I Won't Give Up On You

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Louis' POV:

"It's my fault. I know it is, I'm the oldest, I should've protected him better. But I didn't. And I hate myself for hurting him. It's been 4 years since I've seen my baby brother. Four. The police say it's no use. He's already gone. But me and the lads know he's waiting. I won't give up on my brother. On Niall. We won't give up on him. We're coming Niall, just hold on a little longer baby. ~Louis"

Louis closed his leather bound journal and wiped a stray tear. He had to be strong for his brothers. 

He smiled as he ran his finger along the journal that held his thoughts. He had bought one for each of his brothers. He wondered if Niall still had his.

Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry were currently at another hotel. They had travelled all around the UK searching for their baby brother for the last four years. They were close. The boys could feel it. 

"Come on lads, time for bed. We search again tomorrow. He's here I can feel it." Louis said, turning off the tv. The other boys nodded. They had heard the same speech in every city they searched. 

Somehow this time felt different, he was close. Niall was here.


The boys headed off to bed. A feeling of hope in their chest. They were gonna find him. They were gonna find Niall. 

The brothers wouldn't give up on the little blonde they loved. 

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