Take What's Left Of Me

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Niall was walking out towards the nearest gas station when he heard hushed whispers and footsteps. Immediately, his heart starting beating faster and his breathing quickened. 

Shit shit shit   He thought. He was just about to round the corner when a pair of hands grabbed him from behind. A large hand covered his mouth.  The man pulled Niall into a smaller alley and threw him against the wall.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A blondie huh, a tiny blonde. I usually go for something bigger but you'll have to do," The man said.

Niall was bent over in pain, his hands up in surrender. "Pl-pl-please no, don't please don't do this," he whimpered out. 

"Shut up kid, your gonna be my slut for the night," the man smirked.

And just like that, Niall was left bloody on the street. Even more broken than before.




With all the strength he had, Niall crawled back to the safety of his alley, and pulled out the leather notebook.

"Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn..... I need you now. I can't do this anymore. He's taken all that's left of me. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm so tired. -Niall"

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