fashion stalker

21 2 2

amelia: marinette!

mari: yes amelia?

amelia: get ready for breakfeast

mari: ok

mari pov: what should i wear for the first day??? even tho im sneaking

mari: oh this!

maris outfit:

maris outfit:

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(with adrien)

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(with adrien)

adrien: wah

tikki: you okay adrien?!

adrien: yep just fell

tikki: i can see that

what adrien is wearing:

adrien: hopefully this keeps me warm

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adrien: hopefully this keeps me warm

emilie: oh adrien your late!

adrien: oh um *grabs crissont* bye mom!

emilie: bye sweetie

adrien: bye mom!

(adrien runs to school)

bustier: alya why dont you have a seat in the front row this year?

felix: agreste

adrien pov: ugh.. here we go again

felix: thats my seat

adrien: but felix, this has always been my seat..

jake: not anymore new school, new year, new SEATS!

felix: so why dont you go sit next to the new boy over there? (points to nino) listen, marinettes arriving today, and since thats gonna be her seart this is going to be my seat! get it?

adrien: whos marinette?

felix: *laughs* Can you believe she doesn't know who marinette is? What rock have you been living under?

( thats it for now sorry its short)

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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