Wing 13 Door 9

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Sorry about not updating in ages it's just I'm trying to stick to the 5 vote then update thingy so please vote and comment it means so much to me!


Niall's P.O.V

Liam came in with the girl. Crap this was my entire fault. He brought her in and laid her on the seats gently spreading her body across them. There was blood on his shirt, obviously I panicked until I realised she had only burst her lip. Zayn brought some tissues.

"I'll do it." I said frowning.

"This wasn't your fault mate." Zayn said while handing me them.

"It was." I muttered under my breath, I dabbed her face and laid her arm across her stomach. I realised that I would need a damp towel for her ruby stained lips and the bruise on her face so I stood up and asked Harry to watch her as I went to get a damp towel. As I ran the tap I heard voices from the front of the bus and then we set off as pulled back the curtain to see the girl. I looked at her she was quite pretty other than the yellowish pruple bruise developing on her face but nothing special. However her hair was like dark blonde silk I wound a lock around my finger feeling the soft strands and I dabbed the cold towel below her eye.

She yelped. "Arghh what the hell did I do!" My eyes bolted wide, and I backed away. Liam and Zayn, who had took a seat on the other side of the bus also looked at her alarmed by the noise.

"Sorry! Sorry, are you okay?"

Charlie's P.O.V

"Arghh what the hell did I do!" I opened my eyes to see Niall Horan's perfect face staring at me, he looked worried.

"Sorry! Sorry, are you okay?"

"Shit! That's it I'm dead hey God why am I still in pain! Huh argh!" I growled but stopped myself so it was more like a strangled shout. "Double Shit I'm in hell. Why what did I do?" I got up slowly but ended up laying back down I tasted blood in my mouth it made me dizzy again. Someone's hands comforted me and I remember thinking thank God I'm not dead, I can feel human contact.

"Easy. Easy." An angelic voice soothed me I sucked in a deep breath and blew it out then cradled my left arm. "Where am I?" I asked dumb founded "And why are you here? So I'm not dead? Maybe in a coma or something? Huh... It would be likely that you guys would be in my dream. Could I have a glass of water Liam please? I wonder if it will help even if I am asleep. Where are Harry and Louis? Umm... I remember a brown haired girl. Then she punched me. And I think I punched her back? I'm feeling light headed I should probably stop talking my cheek hurts is that where she punched me? Where's Sian? And-" It all came out in a torrent of words.

"Woah, woah! Gosh you need to chill out!" Niall stopped me talking. A good idea.

"You are not dead or asleep, Liam could you get her that water?"

"Sure" He said, Zayn followed him and Louis and Harry weren't there leaving us alone. Niall stroked my fringe out of my face I winced. "Sorry. I'm so sorry."

"S’okay it was an accident, if I'm not any of those things then why am I here, and why are you there?" I asked clueless.

He laughed. It was heavenly, "I saw you and I heard your voice over all the others talking to your friend. Sian is it?" He asked.

"Yeah, where is she?"

"Gone to find your Dad I think. Anyway I looked at you, you made me smile. And then a jealous fan, I know her from twitter; I saw her at the Up All Night concert and followed her. She's called Tina. She has been stalking me for 6 months I blocked her a few days ago. She practically ran into you and barged into your shoulder, you fell down shrieking then your friend held her back."

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