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She woke up int the next morning thinking everything was just a dream but when she saw the sleeping man next to her she noticed it wasn't just a dream. She left the bed and went to the door to leave the bedroom. For her surprise the doors where open so she left the Cabinet to went on deck of the ship and looked around. Everyone seem to sleep so she went railing of the ship just to find out they where in the middle of no where on the sea. „Good Morning Milady.",someone said and she turned around. The men who brought her into the cabinet was looking at her while holding the rudder. „Where are we going?",she asked him. „Tortuga.",he said and smirked. „The Pirate Town?" „Yes. Aren't your feet getting cold?" She looks down on her feet and noticed that she was barefoot. „Well a little bit. But I don't have anything else then just what I am wearing now.",she said and looks back with him. „Follow me.",he said and went under deck with her. She looked around and saw the sleeping crew. He went into a room with her filled with Womens clothes. „Seonghwa said those are your clothes so you can get dressed.",he said and looks at her. „Oh.. okay.. Whats your name? You didn't told me that.";she said and looks at him. „Hongjoong. I will be on deck. If you need me." He then left and closed the door behind him. She looks at the clothes and picked a shirt with a corset and trousers which gave her a feeling of comfort. „Why is everything feeling so familiar?",she asked herself while putting on shoes. „Because it was your life." She turned around and saw seonghwa standing in the door. „What? No that can't be true.",she said and looks at him. „It is. Those are your Clothes. Your dresses and your shoes. You where my Wife until they took you away.",he said and went to her. „You are lying. I can't remember anything from that. It's not true." She walks past him and runs on deck. He follows her and grabs her hand to turn her back to him. „Believe me.",he whispers and looks at her. „Why? I don't know you and you kidnapped me.Why should I trust you",she said and frees her hand out of his grip to walk away but he hugs her from behind to hold her close. „You have a scar.. Right here. You will probably not know where you got it from.",he whispers and his hand went on the scar she had at her stomach. Her breathing stocked for a little when she noticed he was right. „I was there when you got the scar and I was the one who saved you.",he whispers and pulls her closer to his chest. She freed herself out of his grip and tumbles backwards away from him. „And why does no one knows me? You are lying.",she said and looks at him. „He is not lying.",someone said. She turns her head and saw a Boy who seems familiar to her but she can't remember him. „We don't know why no one else can remember you but I think someone made them forget. You will probably not remember me either. I am San. We where really close friends before they Took you away."he said and looks at her. San. Something said to her that she should remember him. „This is to much.",she said and quickly went back into Seonghwas Cabinet. Seonghwa looks after her and then looks over to San. „Give her time. Wooyoung is starting to remember her. Maybe the Witch in Tortuga can help us. Don't worry she will remember you.",San said and gave his Capitan a comfort smile. Seonghwa went into his Cabinet and found Pia sitting at the Table eating some of the bread. „Go away.",she said while eating. „This is still my Ship and my Cabinet. So can I eat with you?",he asked her. „I don't know." He sights and sat down in the chair in front of her. „Can you give me the bread?",he asked her. She gives it to him and drinks some water. „You look very beautiful.",he said while taking an Piece of bread. She just went up and went into the bedroom. He looks after her and sights. After finishing eating he went into the bedroom. „Leave me alone.",she said and throw the Pillow at him. He catches it and looks at her. „No. Let me talk with you.",he said and went to her. She tries to run from him but he cornered her so she couldn't run away. „Now let's talk.",he said while standing over her. She looks at him and sulks. „I missed you.",he said and looks at her. „Well I didn't missed you because I don't know you.",she said. „Okay your favourite book is a book about tales about Pirates. You love to watch the stars and your favourite food is cooked chicken. You have a birthmark on the left side of your Hip and when you get nervous you start fidging with your fingers." She looks at him surprised and didn't know what to say. „Here I still have your ring.",he said and pulls out a golden ring. She looks at the ring and then at him. He took her hand and puts the ring on her finger. The ring fits perfectly on her finger and she looks at him. He looks at her and kissed her. She didn't know how to react but lets him kiss her. He then looks at her and strokes her cheek. „Please believe me. We where married. We are married. They took you away from me because they didn't approved our love and made you and my crew forget about us.",he whispers and looks at her. „But how did they made me forget about this?",she asked him. „Witchcraft." „Okay you nearly made me believe you but this is ridiculous. Witchcraft? Come on that has to be a joke." He looks at her seriously and clenched his jaw. „oh you are not Joking. But who took me away and made a witch make me forget about you?",she asked him intimidated by his glance. „Your Father obviously.",he said. „He wouldn't do that." „He did and he was the one who gave you this scar." „No i had a accident with my Horse. He told me that. Thats why I was sleeping for so long because I had an accident. You are lying! You are a liar!" She pushed him away from her and runs out of the cabinet. Her head starts hurting and she starts crying. The crew was now on deck and they looked at her. She runs under deck and hides behind some barrels. Jongho went after her and followed the sounds of her sobbing. He carefully pushed a Barrel away and looked at her. „No go away.";she sobs and wraps her arms around her legs. „It's okay.. I am just want to make sure you are okay.",he said and gives her an Tissue. She took it and starts crying more. He sat down next to her and looks at her. She covered her ears with her hands and cried. He carefully lays his arm around her and looks at her. „It's okay.",he whispers. „I really thought I would like the idea of meeting an Pirate but right now I just want to go home. I don't understand what's going on and what I should believe. Imagine you would get kidnapped in the middle of the night by some Pirates and then their Capitan is telling you you are his Wife. This has to be a Nightmare.",she sobs and looks at Jongho. "It really sounds like a Nightmare. I am sorry but I think our Capitan is telling the truth." "What makes you think this?" "He had been telling the Crew about you for Months when we where on our way to Saint Martin. I wish I could remember you." She looks at him and then leans her head against his shoulder. "I think he is lying.",she whispers and looks at the ring. "And what makes you think this?" "I don't believe in Witchcraft." "Really? You never met a witch?" "Of course. Witches don't exist or did you met a Witch?" "I did. Many times since I am with the crew." She looks at him like as if he was crazy which made him laugh. "We will meet a witch soon when we arrive at Tortuga.",he said and leans his head against the wall. "She is probably not even a witch. Just an old crazy lady who is getting high by her Herbs.",she said and her arms went around his arm. "She is actually just a few years older than you and definitely not crazy. well maybe crazy for Mingi but thats a different story." "That tall Guy who told me he would hurt me if I would make a sound? Poor girl" Jongho starts laughing and closed his eyes. "Jongho! Did you find her?",Sans voice appeared from the stairs. "I don't want to go upper deck.",Daisy whispers and crawls further between the barrels. "No I am still searching!",Jongho yelled back and then crawled after her. "You should stop hiding. Seonghwa is actually really nice and I think he really loves you. I mean he tried so much to find you.",Jongho said while crawling after her. "Or he just tries to get Money. He is a Pirate thats what Pirates do. Kidnapping the Children of wealthy families.",she said and stopped crawling. "But why would he tell you that he loves you and that you two where married?" "Maybe he is just trying to play a game." "But why?" "I don't know? How should I know?" He lets out a sight and looks at her. Suddenly someone moved the Barrels away and Yeosang and Hongjoong where looking at them. "There you are.",Yeosang said and he and Hongjoong made her stand up. "Get off of me.",she said and tries to free herself but their grip where stronger. Jongho sights and went up too. "Why are you holding her?",Jongho asked them and crossed his arms. "Because we arrived at our destination."Hongjoong said. "Tortuga?",she asked and stopped fighting. "Tortuga."Yeosang said and smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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