Saint Martin

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„You should stop reading so much about Pirates. It doesn't suit the daughter of a Governor to be reading about those things.",the Housemaid said to her Young Mistress. „But those Stories are so interesting. Living on a ship and having no rules. I really want to meet a Pirate.",Daisy the daughter ot the Governor said and looks at her maid. „They would just harm you. Now get ready for Dinner with your Father." The Young Girl lets out a sight and gets ready for the Dinner. She went into the Big dining room where her Father was already waiting. „Good evening Father.",she said and sat down on her chair. „You look lovely.",here after said and smiled. „Thank you. Its the new dress you got me from London." „Really? It looks different but it could be just the fact that you are wearing it now." She smiled and they then starts eating. „What are you doing these days?",he asked her. „I am really into reading right now. Old tales about the Piracy.",she said and looks at him. „Why about that? You know I don't like it when you reading about that." „Its very Interesting. But I also read about other things." Her Father nods and they finished eating. After the dinner she went back into her room to get ready for bed and continues reading her Books. While reading her book she fell asleep and drifted into an wild dream full of Pirates. In the next morning she got woken up by her maid and gets dressed for a Morning walk through the Town. She walked with her maid through the Mark and looked around. „Do you smell this? Fresh bread.",Daisy said and smiled. „Yes that smell is wonderful.",her maid said. Daisy went to the Baker and bought bread. She turned around to go back to her maid and saw a Pregnant women who was struggling to carrie the things she bought. „Oh Mrs Let me help you.",Daisy quickly said and took the bags from the Woman. „Oh Miss Addington. Please I can carrie that alone. Don't make your Hands dirty because of me.",the Women said and tries to take the bags back. „No no it's fine. Where is your house?" The Women gave in and Daisy followed her to her small house in the Town. „A pretty home.",Daisy said and placed the Bags on the Table. „Thank you Miss. Addington. It's not very clean I am sorry for that.",the Women said and looks at her. „Oh don't say sorry for that. You are pregnant so don't worry it's fine. Where do you put the food?" Daisy helps the Women to put away the food and then gave her the bread. „Oh thats not mine.",the Women said and looks at her. „I know I bought it but you needs it more.",Daisy said and smiled. „Thank you so much." Daisy smiled and then left to walk back to her maid who where already in panic for not finding the Young Girl. „Maria i am here.",Daisy said and took Marias arm. „Miss Addington I thought you where got kidnaped." „Don't worry I am here." They continues walking around and didn't noticed that some Strange Males where watching the Young daughter of the Governor. After the Walk Daisy went back into her room and starts reading again. The stories where holding her in a kind of spell and she couldn't stop fantasies about the live of a Pirate or meeting one. What she didn't know that her Fantasy soon would be come true. Her window was still open when she was fast asleep so It was easy for the three Men to enter her room. „Is that the Girl the Caption wants?",one of them asked while looking at the Sleeping Girl. „Yes the Angel of Saint Martin. No harm to her or we will end up as Shark food.",a other one said and went closer to her. He lifts her up from the bed and was surprised how light she was. She didn't woke up at first so it was easy for them to carrier her out of her home. „I have watched her today. She truly is an Angel. She helped a Pregnant women and gifted her bread. Who from a Noble family would do that? And she is reading.",the youngest said while they walked through the forest to get to the beach. „Well you need to find another angel Jongho, because this one here belongs to the caption.",the older one laughs. His laugh made the young girl wake up and when she noticed she was getting takin away she Starts screaming and kicking around. „Oh well it was so easy.",the one who was holding her said and his hand quickly went on her mouth. „If I would be you I would be keep my pretty moth shut or I will make you.",he whispers into her ear and carried her to the little boat which would bring them to the ship. The young girl starts crying but stopped the screaming and kicking. Jongho looked at her and then swipes away her tears with a fresh tissue. She looks at him in fear and flinched away. „Don't worry I am not hurting you.",he said and went closer to give her the Tissue. „Yeah because if you do the captain Would kill you.",the one guy said. „Shut up Mingi.",Jongho said and looks at him. Mingi rolls his eyes and made sure to have her in a secured grip. „Y-You are Pirates.",she said and looks at them. „Oh she has a Voice.",the other one said while making the boat float to the Ship hiding in a big Cave. „Of course she has a Voice Yeosang. Haven't you heard her scream?",Mingi asked sarcastic and looks at Yeosang. „And yes we are Pirates little Princess.",mingi said to her. „Please don't kill me.",she whispers and her voice was shaking. „We are not going to kill you.",Jongho said and looks at her. She looks at him and tears started to stream down her cheeks again. The boat entered the Cave and they came to the Ship. Mingi made her Climb onto the ship and she tripped when she entered the ship. She looks up and saw into the faces of the crew. „Get up.",Mingi said and grabs her arm to made her stand up. „Don't be so rough with the lady Mingi. The Capitan said no harm.",a smaller Men said and gently took the Young Girls Arm. „I am sorry.",Mingi said and lets go of her arm. „My god you are truly as Beautiful like he is saying." She looks at him and he could see the fear in her eyes. „My dear don't be scared you are under the protect of our Capitan. No one would dare to hurt you.",he said and leads her to the cabinet of the Capitan. „He will be here in a few minutes take a seat." The smaller Men closed the door behind her and she tries to open it again but he had locked it. She walks over to the windows and tries to open them but every window was locked. „I am sorry but I had to make sure you wouldn't escape.",a male voice appeared and she quickly turns around. A young Man was standing now in the Cabinet looking at her. A strange familiarity overcomes her and the fear she was feeling before strangely disappeared. He placed his hat on the Table and went to her. „Do you remember me?",he asked her and lays his hand on her cheek. „I don't know.",she whispers and looks at him. „They really removed your memory. But I can see that deep down there you are remembering me." She could see sadness in his eyes which confused her a bit but he was right. She had the feeling that she knows him but she can't remember who he is. „Don't worry you will remember. I missed you so much.",he said and gave her an Kiss on her forehead. Normally she would be freaked out if a stranger would touch her like that but it was different with him. „Can you tell me who you are?",she asked him. „Seonghwa. I am the Capitan of this Ship.",he said and lifts up her chin. She looks at him and got lost in his eyes. „You should sleep love. I will tell you more when you wake up again.",he said and leads her to an other room where a bed was. She climbs into the bed and pulls the blanket over herself. „I am scared.",she whispers. „Don't be love. You are safe now.",he said and smiled. She nods slightly and closed her eyes. After some time she drifted into her dreamworld. Seonghwa went into bed next her after making sure the ship started his new course and he looked at the sleeping girl. „No one will ever take you away again. I promise you that.",he whispers before falling asleep too.

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