chapter two.

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"let the day begin"

george slowly walks up to karl and the unfamiliar face. he was never the best meeting new people, so he was praying that the shorter dude would just walk away. yeah, that didn't happen.

"hey george!" karl waves his hand putting all his attention to the brunette, "hey!" soon enough the shorter male with a beanie also greets george, "um, hi! my name is alex it's nice to meet you george!" the brunette smiles back, "nice to meet you too." it came out almost as a whisper, but it was definitely loud enough to be heard by the two.

"karl what do you have first period?" the brown haired man immediately changed his expression, "i have stupid ceramics. like why do i have to learn pottery?!" alex and george both giggle from karls response, "what about you? um, alex." the shorter male smiled, "i have spanish, which is easy as hell since spanish was my first language."

"wow that's a coincidence." the brunette makes a little chuckle, "well, i have creative writing." george was slightly cut off by a bell ringing, informing all the students first period starts in five minutes. "well i'll catch you guys later." alex waves goodbye and starts heading off to his class.

"bye karl, meet me at lunch?" karl nods and stops george before he could walks away, "wait! um, what do you think of alex?" george smiled. karl was always a very caring person and always put george above himself, "yeah i like him! he should sit at lunch with us." george then walks off before karl could respond. but due to the excitement in karls eyes, george knew he satisfied him from his answer.

it was a quick walk to creative writing. his highschool wasn't the biggest but it still felt big to george. I guess you could say it was medium size, it had a second floor and everything. it did take a little bit for george to find the right class but the sign on the door made it way easier for him.


mr. watts

the brunette takes a deep breath before entering the room. he knew that this class would lead to him doing public speaking and stupid presentations. he's been worrying about it ever since summer when he found out he had the class. the thoughts erase from his head as he walks in the room. there were a few people already seated, probably about seven.

"welcome mr...?" george look over at the teacher. he was fairly tall with brown wavy hair and glasses. "um, davidson." the teacher also known as 'mr. watts' looks on a list for his name. "welcome george! happy to have you here. take a seat where ever you'd like." the brunette smiled. his first impressions of mr. watts were already pretty positive. george never liked sitting in the front of the class. he never wanted to be center of attention anyway. so he sits all the way in the back in his little corner.

soon enough the final bell rang indicating that school was starting. a few more people entered the room as people were waiting for the bell. "alright then, it seems like were missing a few people but let's just get started."

mr. watts starts walking around the room. "first off, i'm mr. watts i have been working in the district for about seven years and i'm very happy to see you all here today." the tall teacher starts making his way to his desk "now creative writing has many components within. some are complex and some are very simple." he sits down powering up his computer, "and we will be covering it all in this clas-"

mr. watts was cut off by a student barging in the class. "i'm here!" george knew that voice, it was a familiar voice. the brunette looks up and sees the blonde standing in front of the door frame, "what's your name young man?"


"well clay can you maybe sit down? you're late but i'll let it slide." the blonde looks around the room making eye contact with the brunette. a slight smirk appears on the blonde face and george only rolls his eyes. "thanks mr. twat! oh-sorry watts." the whole class erupts in laughter. "funny one clay! looks like i've met the class clown! next time get a better joke i've heard it before." the class starts laughing again from the teachers comeback, including george.

the blonde sits right next to george, as expected. "hey georgie! welcome back to school jackass." the brunette rolls his eyes, "why do you have to sit next to me? there are plenty of other seats in the front."

"y'know i like you better then anyone in the room." the blonde winked turning his attention to mr. watts. the brunettes face was turning a light shade of red, was he blushing? why was he blushing from dream remark?


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