Chapter 1

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Okay, this is it, I'm finally ready to tell him. This is the day.

I, Taylor Markus is ready to tell Cameron Carter how I truly feel. I mean I've felt this for a long time now, but now I'm aching to tell him. I was 14 when I first met him, I went to a playground nearby and then he came along and we started to talk about random crap. We've been friends since then. The first time I saw him that day, he had those green eyes that make you melt and fall inlove so quickly. Now he's grown up to be one fiiine boy! His body's just the right size with the right number of abs. Yes, he's got freaking abs! A six pack actually. Daaaamn right? He's got dirty blond hair that looks so sexy on him. But that's not the only reason Iove him. He's kind, sweet and instantly makes you laugh. He's perfect.

After 3 long years, I'm finally gonna tell him. I'm 17 now and he's 17 as well. I'm gonna tell him at school today. I'm kind of nervous, he's my friend and all that so I'm not sure if he'll feel the same way. But I don't care, what matters is I love him right? But there is this voice in me telling me 'Does he like me back?' I mean, I think I'm okay looking. Brown hair, hazel eyes. I'm not fat nor too skinny. Lots of guys have been asking me out before but I politely say I have someone else in mind. Duh, Cameron! So yeah, maybe I am kinda hot. After guys following me around and hitting on me, maybe I am kinda hot. I just can't admit it to myself yet, i guess? Those guys don't matter to me, I love Cameron. From the start, I knew he was the one. I know he'll feel the same.. I just know it. Yeah, I've got some doubts but he won't leave me crying. He's always been there, he won't do that to me.

"Taylor Markus! Come down now! Breakfast's ready! Don't keep the food waiting, it'll get cold!" My mom called from the kitchen.

I smell bacon and eggs. But for some reason I'm not feeling it. What do I mean some reason.. of course I know what reason, I'm freaking nervous, I'm gonna tell Cameron!!

"Uhh, mom! I'm kind of not hungry today." I told mom as I came down the stairs.

"Well, whatever you say hon. Just don't come complaining to me when you get hungry at school."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just not feeling it." I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay. See you later! Have fun at school."

"Yeah, sure will." I said, kind of sarcastically. I'm nervous as hell. I was okay earlier but now I don't know. But whatever let's get this over with.

I ran to the bus. Grr, they almost left me.. again! I sat down to the seat near the driver. I just sat there picturing the image of what could happen later. It took about 15 minutes to get to school. I went down the bus, and here it goes, this is the time.

I walk up to school and see Cameron standing by his locker. He's wearing his jock jacket today. (Yup! He's part of the football team!) His hair's kinda messy. I like it that way, rocking the messy look.

Okay, I'm gonna walk up to him now. My courage is building up inside. I feel kinda tense but I know I can do it.

"Hey Tay!" Cameron said while giving me a hug.

"Uhm, Cameron. I kinda wanna tell you something. It's kind of important." I said nervously.

"Well sure, Tay. What is it?"

"I don't know how to start but here it goes.... I like you Cameron! I like you since the day we met! I've always loved you. I love everything about you. Every little detail. I've kept this for so long and I just wanna let it out of my system."

He just stared at me, not knowing what to say.

"I uhm, was hoping you felt the same way?"

"Listen, Tay. I like you, but you know that this is just as a friend thing right? I don't like like you. I guess I never will. You're not the girl for me. I won't see you that way, ever."

"W-what?" I saw a bunch of cheerleaders laughing at me. Then I felt tears running down my eyes. I ran as fast as I could. I've never felt so humiliated in my life. I was there telling the one boy I loved how I felt about him. Then he goes rejecting me. How could he?

Rain was pouring hard. I ran all the way to my house. I just wanted to get away and never see him again. Never. How could I have been so stupid? Him, fall inlove with me? I'm a complete idiot.

My mom opened the door. "Sweetie, what's wrong?! Come here, let's get you dried up."

My mom got some towels and dried my soaking body. I was still in tears. I can't help it, I'm hurt. I'm devastated. I've never been so heartbroken in my life.

"Sweetie, are you ready to talk?"

I was silent at first and continued sobbing. My mom patiently waited then I was ready to talk..

"Well, at school, I told Cameron I loved him. Then he just rejected me. I felt so humiliated. I've never been that embarrassed. I thought he felt the same way but no. He never will."

"Aw, poor baby. Are you gonna be alright?"

"No... i don't think I can ever face him again."

"You know I love you right? And I've never seen you so sad. And so broken. What do you want to do about it? I don't want to see my baby hurt."

"I want to leave this town. Move and start over. I never want to see his face again!"

"If that's what'll make you happy, then I'm with it. This place is boring me anyway."

"Thanks mom, I love you. You're so supportive and I could never ask for more."

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