Chapter 7

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*3 months later*

Darren's picking me up for school today. He always has been for the past 3 months. No, nothing's going on between us. At first, there were those casual flirting and I couldn't help but blush from time to time. But those days are far gone, it was better of for us to be just friends. As a matter of fact, we are actually bestfriends now! He's really really sweet and when I get one of those mega breakdowns, he's always been there for me. He sort of became my new Cameron. I am not using him in any way though. I'd never do that to Darren.

I wore white shorts and a yellow tank top. Typical morning in LA, it's blaaazing hot. Grabbed my shades and I'm ready to go. My mom was still sleeping, I didn't bother waking her up. Darren was already waiting for me in his pick-up. I got in the front seat and gave him a big hug.

"Well goodmoring to you too." He grinned.

"Chop chop, we're gonna be late for school Darren."

"No we're not, I've got mad driving skills." He smirked.

"Let's just get going Mr. Cocky."

We got there in like 10 minutes. He really does drive fast. I gotta get him to teach me how to drive like that, he's wicked awesome.

We entered school. Up until now, I am still getting there stares and glares. Why can't everyone just get over it? Girls still think I'm dating Darren. They are head over heels for him. Can't blame them though, my bestfriend's a fine piece of ass. As for the boys, my face is right up HERE.

Darren and I went to class together, we both have Physics for first period. That's kind of how we met. Mr. Walsh kept talking about this parabolas. I am just amused by curves blaaah. Physics went by like a breeze then I had Math. Numbers kind of bore me. I am so over looking for my ex. I still get good grades though. I study better at home.

Lunch was next! And I was definitely looking forward to it. I entered the lunchroom, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. WHO I was seeing. Oh no, hell no. This can't be. Are you kidding me? What is he doing here? Shiz, I'm all panicky now. Do I turn back and run away? Memories come flooding me. He's still sitting there with a bunch of other kids. What do I do? I can't run away from this anymore. It's been three months. I gotta show him that I'm strong now. I'm not the same naive girl he met before.

I walked towards our table where Darren, John, Tom, Gina and Andy are already seated in. I tried to avoid contact with Cameron. I don't think he's seen me yet, but I'm not yet so sure.

"Yo, Tay. You're looking a little pale today. Ya feeling alright?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, you alright Tay?" Gina questioned as well.

"Uh, yeah. Just a dizzy thats all."

"Okay, if you say so. Just tell me if I have to bring you to the clinic. You don't look so good." Darren said.

"I'm not good. Cameron's here." I whispered to Darren. I felt the waterworks coming but I held it in.

"As much as I want to kick his ass for hurting you, I think you gotta face this Tay."

"Yeah, I know and I will."

"Good girl."

When I got  my composure, I felt arms on my shoulder. He whispered, "Can we talk?" I recognized that voice and I'm pretty sure that's Cameron. Last time I heard his voice was when he rejected me. I poured my freaking guts out.

"Yeah." I said blankly.

"Can we go outside?"


I followed him to the hallways. He looked at me dead in the eye. His face was serious, like he wanted something to get out of his system. I can't help but be amazed by his green eyes again. As much as I wanted to stay mad at him, those eyes just sink in to you. I swear. I tried to hide my spacing out and said, "So what are you gonna tell me?"

"Listen, Tay. I'm sorry okay? I don't know why it took this long for me to say that. I tried to forget about you but I can't. I was just shocked the last time you told me you loved me. But when you were gone, it's like I felt empty. I tried to find you in other girls but no. I was stupid for what I did. But I really do care about you. You're not like any other girl I've ever met. I know that it may be too late, but I had to go here for you. I just had to. You're the love of my life and I'm stupid enough not to have seen that before. I love you I love you I love you. You mean so much to me. Please don't tell me you let me go already.."

I really saw that he was sincere. I could see tears forming in his eyes. But that doesn't change the fact that he was my first real heartbreak.

"Cameron, you were my first love but you were also the reason why my heart is broken right now. It's still not fixed, i can tell  you that. I went all the way to LA to start anew because you have no idea how much that hurt. Then three months for you to realize you love me? Wait, do you EVEN love me? Or is this just some sick show you're putting up with? Because please, I can't take anymore of this shit --"

Then he cut me, he kissed me so passionately but gently at the same time. I don't know why I didn't pull back, it felt right for some reason. Like the soulmate type of love. But then again, I still haven't forgiven him so I pulled back quickly. I enjoyed the kiss but he ain't getting me back that easily. After what he put me through, no freakin way. He's gotta earn all this baby.

"Look, if you think it's gonna be that easy then you're wrong. You think you can just come up here and kiss me and everything would be better?"

"I was hoping so."

"Well you can't have me. Go break some other hearts for the time being."

"I'm not playing any games with you Taylor. I really do love you. Please think about it. I know you think this is shit, but I'm not fucking it this time. I came here all the way for you. That's how much I love you."

Upon hearing that, I left and took a cab home. I didn't really know what to say. Heck, I didn't know what to feel. After that kiss, a part of me wanted him. Like it's always been him and no one else. But a part of me didn't want to face heartbreak again. It was just too much. I don't know what to do. Oh God, please help me.

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