Each Life Matters (NehpetsEnal)

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Each Life Matters

What we think we seE

In the soothsayer's eyebalL

Delivers doubt and causes brain fuzZ

Daily dos and don'ts, make the head buzZ

Each rotation we pass yoU

Running the other way, change course, we hear them scofF

So, scared, that we may perish in our search for freedoM

Hope is all we have, so for our strength we depend on yoU

I for one, to a doubt in my faith, I will not SuccumB

No matter what way we run, each life matterS

F/N: I have tried to capture the meaning of these odd words in the poem, the anticlockwise rotation of the words is representing the meaning of widdershins and the confusion captures the meaning of the word bumfuzzle.

As for the wider meaning of the poem, well that is for the reader to decide, but I am interested in your interpretations.

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