𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤-𝐏𝐚𝐢: 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫!

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A fun play on the phrase notice me senpai, or the one where peter is a yandere and Mr Stark is his senpai, he'll get his senpai (or in this case Stark-Pai) by any means necessary.

   Trigger warning: Violence, Manipulation, Death.
[Third POV]

Okay let's think about this logically, Peter thought to himself looking at the blood on his hands, ever since he meant Mr Stark at age fifteen Peter had it bad for the man, now at eighteen his little crush had turned into something that could only be considered an obsession.

Killing Villains and Hero's was one thing... but this, what have I done? At this point peter felt delirious, for months he had killed villains, he couldn't have anyone taking Mr Stark away from him and they were villains, sure he wouldn't kill as Spider-Man but this was different, Tony was special, then he'd began to pick off hero's to especially after he overheard Steve mentioning that it was better to take Real hero's on missions not some kid like peter.

Then he killed his first avenger, peter had a hard time acting surprised and upset when they found captain America with his head bashed in and a pool of his own blood soaking his bed sheets, then one by one the avengers had been permanently disbanded, it turns out peter could really make people lose their breath around him, literally, because Bucky Barnes was found with a plastic bag tied tightly over his head.

But this, this was different.

After peters killings Tony was all alone, Peter hoped the man would finally confide in him but Tony pushed him away for fear of him getting hurt to, his mentor was back to keeping him at arms length and instead the man took more time to appreciate and love his wife and daughter.

So here I am. Peter thought as he stood over the bloody bodies of Pepper Potts and Morgan Stark before looking at the iron man helmet in his hands, now he'd finally have Mr Stark all to himself, no one could take him away anymore.

Then he heard a noise and immediately swung the helmet only to realize he hit the one and only Tony Stark in the face, he fell to the living room fool of his penthouse and he was out of it for a few minutes only to open his eyes with a groan, it turns out peter hit him harder then he thought because tony didn't know what was going on and he was also clearly drunk off his ass. 

   "Pete? What's going on..." his voice was groggily as he sat up in the dark living room and his voice surely sent a shiver down peters spine, then tony noticed the bloody scene just in front of him.

"What happened peter? Pepper!? Morgan sweetheart?" The older mans hands were covered in blood as he looked brokenly at his dead wife and daughter, this broke Stark, thankfully Peter would be their to pick up the pieces.

"You!" Mr Starks voice was so accusatory as he pointed to the helmet in peters hand that was covered in blood and he shakily stood to his feet "Peter you... you killed them." He was so angry he seemed like he'd go into a fit of rage but peter was a dirty little liar when it came to Tony Stark "n..no Mr Stark... you. You did this and then you... you bashed yourself in the head and fell over and I checked for a pulse but.."

  Peter was definitely a dirty little lair.. and worst of all tony believed every dirty little lie.

"I'd never." Tony was loud but as he looked at the blood all over him and he began to break down "I... I'd never.." The man looked so weak but peter would be able to help him soon enough "shhh Mr Stark, Shhh." Peter was rubbing his back soothingly

  Peter was overwhelmed by guilt but he'd wanted the man to himself for so long, as soon as he hit puberty he had a crush on the man, Tony Stark was his first celebrity crush and then when he gave him the internship at Stark Industries Tony Stark was Peters real crush.

   And what kind of person would he be if he didn't get rid of all the people that couldn't be completely loyal, or worse that tried to take his crush away from him?

  "Shhh Hey, Hey Mr Stark it's alright I promise  you'll be fine... you'll always be fine." The man fell asleep sobbing quietly after that, Peter didn't know if it was from emotional exhaustion or from the alcohol that he could easily smell on his breath but he knew one thing.


    No one would ever take Tony from Peter again, he'd have all the mans attention from now on because peter was a spider and everyone else was a useless disgusting fly, and spiders caught flies in their webs

    Especially Flys that tried to land on his hero as if he was trash.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 [Tony x Peter]Where stories live. Discover now