Chapter 7

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(Sorry for the stop of chapters for a bit,I've been busy with school,I won't be able to post much because I'm thinking of bringing 2 of my Yo-kai Watch stories back and creating a new story,so I won't be able to write much,but this is the story I'll write more. Again,apologizes for the lateness of chapters that will happen.)

Word count:749


After I woke up I found Miu starring at me,I screamed. "MIU,HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING ME SLEEP?!" I said,clearly terrified. "Yes. Yes I havem" she said with a smile. I sighed "What is it?" She chuckles "I planned out the day for you and make it the perfect day for the two of you." She said,I was confused. "Why?" "Because I want to!" She said laughing. She then told me to get ready then she left.

After I got dressed I saw Gonta wearing a long sleeved shirt and some jeans. I was wearing a (favorite color) shirt,blue jeans and a grey jacket. Miu sent me a text for what she had planned for us.

-A trip to the insect zoo
-A trip to the local café
-A trip to the ice cream shop
-A trip to the movies
-And finally a trip to the forest

"So,Miu planned the day for Y/N and Gonta?" Gonta asks,I nodded "Yup,she said she watched me sleep." I said,getting the chills. "She said she waited for me outside the door." Gonta said. I sighed but kinda laughed

We headed out and we went to the insect zoo. The time was 12 PM. Gonta was ecstatic. He was saying hello to all the bugs that were there and watched them,it was pretty adorable. We looked around the zoo for an hour and we left for the café.

The time was now 1 PM. We made it to the cafe and Gonta and I were really happy! Gonta got some hot chocolate and I got some tea. We sat at a table and waited for our order. When we got called I got our orders and we enjoyed our drinks. Me and Gonta had a great time.

We soon left and it was 3 PM. We went to the next place which was the ice cream shop,Gonta got some vanilla ice cream with sprinkles on it and I got (favorite flavor) and (favorite topping).  I accidentally got some on my nose and we both laughed about it.

We soon left to the movies,the time was 4 PM. We headed to the movies "Hm? What's (favorite movie)?" Gonta asked,my eyes sparkled. "That's a really good movie! It's one of my favorites!!" I said,Gonta smiled. Gonta got two tickets for the movie,he wanted to see it since I liked it.

After the movie,we had to go to the forest,it was now 6 PM. Suddenly I got a message from Miu,telling me to wait on going to the forest. We were confused and decided to wait. "Gonta has had a great day with you! Miu did a good job at planning it!" He said happily "Yeah! She picked things that we both like!" I said happily.

We talked for at least a few hours,it was now 9 PM. Miu texted me that we can now go. As we went to the forest we saw fireflies,like the last time we went to the forest,the deeper we went in it,the more there were. We soon got to the clearing in the center of the forest,suddenly fireflies were everywhere,it was beautiful.

We admired the fireflies for hours,we got back home at 11. Mouth was there smiling "Sooo,how was it~?" "Gonta really enjoyed today!" "Yeah! You did a great job at planning it!" I said happily,I yawned a bit. "Tired?" Gonta asks "Yeah,a little." I said with a chuckles. We both started heading to our room,but before I did I gave Gonta a hug "I really enjoyed today." I said with a smile,then,I did something unexpected.


After Y/N hugged Gonta,he kissed his cheek. Y/N was blushing and ran to his room "I'M SORRY!!!!" He said and shut the door to his room as a blushing mess. Gonta put his hand where the cheek Y/N kissed and he smiled and headed off to bed.

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