Chapter 1

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Word count:1088


As the sun beamed down on me as I woke up from my sleep I sighed. 'There hasn't been anything to do's over and all my friends went off to do their summer vacation else where.' I thought,I saw my Playstation "I'll play some V3 after I get done doing my chores." I said outloud,I'm a fan of Danganronpa,I have a few figures,posters and I even have some drawings,my favorite character is Gonta Gokuhara though,there's something about him I can't describe but he's my favorite!

After a few hours of cleaning my room and cleaning the house,I was finally able to play some V3,I booted up the game and smiled,ready to hang out with Gonta again!

A few hours had passed and it was the afternoon and saw Gonta's execution,I was crying a little,I mean what should I except,it's Danganronpa,most of everyone's favorite characters are either killed or executed. I sighed a little,I left my room to go get a snack.

I grabbed an apple and started to munch on it,I thought about taking a walk,so I changed into some brown pants,grey shirt and black shoes,I fixed my hair a little aswell. Before I left I saw a note on the door and I read it

'Dear Y/N,I am sorry for leaving you alone again,me and your father have a business trip and can't miss it,I understand you might be saddened by this,but we promise we'll make it up to you! Love,mom'

I sighed,they always do this,the day before we're supposed to do something they just have a business trip. I was used to it,I didn't care anymore.

I started walking around town,I didn't feel like window shopping or anything,I soon started humming the V3 theme out of boredom,I soon started wondering what it'll be like if the characters were real. I sighed a bit,knowing they'll never be real.

I decided I should wanted into the forest because why the hell not. My town is by a forest and I often visit it when I'm bored. As I wandered in I was singing the opening to Danganronpa The Animation. As I was,I heard footsteps behind me,I got scared.

I turned around but didn't see anyone,I walked deeper into the forest until I saw a clearing,and that's when I was questioning my sanity or if what I was seeing was a cosplayer.

There in the clearing,looking around I saw someone who looked like the real world variation of Gonta Gokuhara,I approached them,but before I got fully close to him I noticed he looked as if he was going to faint,it looked as if he's been there for awhile,I quickly rushed over to him "Hey,wake up!" I shouted,nothing happened. I decided to try and do something.

I was trying to drag the guy out of the forest but was having a bit of trouble,a little while late I made it back to my house and already put him in the guest bedroom. The guy had no ID on him and I was confused. I decided I should make him some food and get him some water. I didn't know what he liked so I decided to make,so I decided to make him a ham and cheese sandwich,it was simple and I didn't know what else to make. I got a cup of water and carefully with both dishes in my hands,went to the guest room.

As I opened the door I saw the guy awake already,looking confused on where he was "Oh good,you're awake!" I said as I put the sandwich and water on the nightstand. " Gonta?" He said,I wasn't sure if he was referring to himself or if there was someone actually named Gonta.

"Um..are you referring to yourself or someone else?" I asked,the guy pointed at himself,his red scarlet eyes looking at me "Gonta is talking about himself." I sighed with a smile "You don't have to keep talking like that if you're in cosplay trying to stay in character." The guy looked more confused "But,Gonta doesn't wear cosplay." He said

"Allow Gonta to introduce himself,like gentleman! Gonta's name is Gonta Gokuhara. Gonta is Ultimate Entomologist,his true goal is to become true gentleman!" Gonta said with a smile,I soon realized that he was telling the truth. "I'm seeing things right?" I said,feeling like I finally lost my sanity. Gonta shook his head "Why are you questioning if Gonta is real or not?" Gonta asks. "Let's go to my room for you to understand. Oh and you can bring the sandwich and water I got for ya."

We got to my room and I booted up Danganronpa V3,Gonta looked really confused. I showed him the save file I had before he got executed in the game. He looked so confused "Gonta...doesn't understand...he can't understand. from a game?" I nod "That's why I was so confused when I saw you." I told him,he looked as if he's having trouble understanding it all. "Hey,why won't we eat and talk in the kitchen." I said,he nodded and we told go grab the sandwich I made for him.

We got into the kitchen and started talking. "I'm sorry got executed.." I told him sadly,I mean I think he stayed there and saw it all again. He sighs "Gonta didn't remember that he killed Miu,but Gonta did..a gentleman would've never do that." He said,I tried to comfort him. "Hey,hey,its going to be ok." I told him with a smile

After talking for a while it was already 10 PM,man,time flies by quickly when you have someone to talk to. "I'm gonna head off to bed Gonta." I said "Wait,Gonta never got your name." He said,I smiled "Oh yeah,my names Y/N!" I said happily,Gonta smiled at me "Goodnight! Gonta will see Y/N in the morning!" He said happily as we walked off to our rooms.

End of Chapter 1

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