I have friends now!? pt. 1

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This story happened before they met Zuko so that's why he isn't mentioned in the story
I was walking around the forest for food since I lived in the forest. It's been a while since I've met people but that doesn't matter I mean I do get lonely but I'm fine. All of a sudden I hear noises coming from the bush behind me. "H-hello is anybody there?" I said frightened.

"Hello who are yo-" said a voice that sounded like a girl. "Your from the fire nation" the girl said as she started to get into a battle stance. "W-wait I don't mean you or anyone any harm" I said as I got on my knees and held my hands up. "Oh sorry about that" the girl said as she helped me up. "My name is Katara what's your name" Katara asked me.

"Oh my name is y/n or n/n for short" I said as I dusted off my pants. "So what are you doing in this forest n/n" Katara asked. "Well I stay in this forest but I don't have a house or anything" I told her. "oh well do you want to be in the group with me and my friends?" She asked.

"Sure!" I said. "Can I be your friend Katara?" I added. "Of course you can and I'm sure the rest of my friends will let you be their friends too" she said. Wow I might have friends now. I've never been so happy in my life!

I followed Katara back to where her friends were. She said "guys this is y/n, y/n this is sokka, aang, toph, and suki and don't worry she's nice". One person caught my eye though and that was toph. "Hey your name is toph right?" I asked her. "Yep that's me" she said.

"Well toph are we friends?" I asked her. "Well if you answer some questions then yea" she said. For the next 20 minutes I was answering toph's questions and I answered truthfully. "Well that makes us friends now" she said. Me and toph talked for hours until she told me she was going to sleep.

I wonder were I'm going to sleep at well no matter I'm going to get some berries. After I got the berries I climbed the tree beside where we were sleeping at and I just sat up there and ate my berries. After I ate all my berries I looked up and saw a fire bender getting close to toph. I jumped down and I started to fight the fire bender. "I will not let you hurt my new friends" I said.

Toph had woke up and she trapped the fire bender so he wouldn't hurt us. I walked to her and asked "are you ok toph?". I was so tired at this point I almost fell on toph. "I'm fine y/n but are you ok" toph asked. "I'm... fi..." I said as I passed out.

"Katara wake up!" I heard toph say. After about 20 minutes I woke up. I sat up and looked around it was night and it was storming pretty bad. I stayed still cause I saw toph sit up. She was laying back down but she stopped and turned to face me.

"Oh y/n I see your awake" she said. "Yeah im awake..." I said. "Are you ok y/n" she asked. "Yeah I'm fine.." I said. I'm not fine really.

"You're lying y/n tell me what's wrong" toph demanded. "I'm scared ok" I said. " well come over here with me and sleep" she said. "R-really?" I said shocked. "Yeah as long as you dont move to much and you stay on your side" she said while scooting over.

I went over to toph and got on my side and laid down. I dosed off but... little did I know my paralysis demon had plans for me...

To be continued

663 words

Authors note: I made this story just because I was bored to let me know if I should continue it or not. Also should I do one piece characters x reader one shots and Alta characters x reader one shots? Btw sorry this was short.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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