chapter 2: A new start

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I couldn’t grasp what was happening, my heart sunk, we’d already lost my father last year to a robbery, I couldn’t go through that again with my mother, all these things were running through my head, I ran as fast as I could where I was stopped by 2 police men..

“WHERE’S MY MOM, WHERE IS SHE?” I screamed, tears flying violently down my face “MOM!” I couldn’t control myself, I didn’t know what to do..

“Your mother’s fine, she’s at hospital with minor head injuries, are you Evie-May?” the police man asked calmly reassuring me that my mother was going to be fine…

“y..y..yes, that’s,” I was in so much shock I could hardly contain myself “w..what happened?” I tried to say calmly, wiping away tears from my now bloated face..

“Someone broke into your house about an hour ago, 3 men, they tried to assassinate your mother just the way they tried to do with your father…Your mother tried to defend herself and she managed to get rid of one of the men, who you saw coming out in the body bag. Your mother pressed her emergency buzzer, and then she got knocked out. When we arrived the rest of the men where gone”

Ice cold shivers ran down my spine furiously, what had our family done to deserve this?! We’d never gone out of our way to hurt anybody, and now they want to try and kill my family, this was all to much…I had calmed down enough to speak now, and I wanted to know what we were going to do next…

“ what are we going to do, we can’t just carry on living here, and they’ll come back an….”

I was cut off by the other police officer

“Don’t worry we have this all sorted, we’re putting you all on the Federal Witness Protection Program, we have to do everything to make sure you’re safe” he said making me feel a bit happier but I was still confused..

“were going to have to ask you and your brother to go into the house and collect all important things, for example clothes, valuable items and things you will ne..”

“wait a minute, are you trying to say we have to move house?” I said feeling a bit startled, this wasn’t because I didn’t want to leave I did..

“I’m afraid so, so if you please begin and try and get hold of your brother, your plane leaves tomorrow morning” said the police officer who I learned to believe was called bill…he escorted me into the house and gave me a phone…

“Tyler, where are you, you need to get home now, moms in hospital” I decided to leave it at that, he’d soon come rushing home…

It took a good 4 hours to gather everything we would need to move into a new home and a new state I’m guessing….everything that we could take would be locked up the house and shipped over to us once we were settled in our new home, which hadn’t been revealed yet..

We couldn’t tell anyone we were going, that would be announced to all family and friends in the next week  and even then they wouldn’t know our location until the thugs were caught… I was quite excited to start a new life, it would be the best for all of us, I hoped….

Tyler was definitely not happy about the move but the new deep down it was for the best, our mother was the only person we had left..

We arrived at the hospital to greet my mother who was nearly back to her normal self, she had a few bruises but other than that she looked fine…

I ran into her room and gave her a massive hug..

“ I was so worried mom, I’m so glad you’re okay, I love you so much” I said almost crying

I didn’t really have any tears left after earlier that day..

“I’m fine honey, everything is going to be fine now, were going to be safe, Tyler come over here”

We all shared a family hug for a few minutes, it was nice, we hadn’t all had a hug like this since my father had died, we still found it hard to talk about him, it was a very tender subject…

We had a long journey ahead of us, and I wasn’t referring to the plane journey, things were going to have to change drastically…hopefully this would put Tyler off his player ways…or not.

“I hope there are some hot girls at this new school” he said being totally seriously

“Are you for real, after everything that’s happened, you’re thinking about girls, such a jerk” I laughed

I couldn’t help but be excited, we didn’t even have a clue where we were going yet…

That night passed surprisingly quickly, and we were already making our way to the airport…It was 6am and I was shattered, even though I feel asleep quicker than you can say the alphabet, I just couldn’t help but feel emotionally drained..

We were shown to our seats on a private plane and began out journey…now that we were up in the air we were told where we were going, north Carolina was going to be our new home.

The flight was going to be about 7hours, so I took out my book and began to read, oh how it was going to be a long 7 hours… 

In was in a forest, the dark, cool air, whipped around my body. I felt free.

My legs took me where ever I wanted to go, I felt strong, powerful.

Why did I feel like this? I’d never felt like this in my life, what was happening to me

As I looked down at my body I noticed I wasn’t in my body, I was a wolf…

“ Eve, wake up were here” I heard a voice say, I couldn’t work out who it was..

My body was being violently shaken, until my eyes opened, it was just a dream..

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