Chapter 10- part 2

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YES, im appoligising again sorry for taking ages and sorry for it being in part's, im really sleepy so i wont do a good job if im tired! Anyway let me know if you like it! 

I was slightly worried, like abnormally worried, what was he going on about? People don’t normally ask ‘what are you?’ so it had to be something to do with me being a werewolf right?

I felt so stupid, what was I thinking, I should never have gone, yes he’s amazingly good looking, charming and all the rest but it’s not right, I shouldn’t be doing this. I have something that I really like with Harley and I don’t want to ruin that, but I think it’s going to be harder than I think…

No word of a lie, I stayed up most of the night thinking, I was so tired yet I couldn’t let my brain switch off, and you’d think that with me doing all this ‘thinking’ I’d be able to sort out my problems, but no nothing, just an endless circle, of maybe’s and regrets…Great I’m really getting somewhere!

It really was my lucky day, it was a Monday morning, which meant school…No sleep and school didn’t really make a good combination.

I went through my normal, morning routine, until I heard something banging against my window…

It was Harley standing at the bottom of my bedroom window, with a massive smile on his face, I hadn’t seen him in a few days thinking about it…I felt guilt rushing through me, I hadn’t done anything wrong I just didn’t want to hurt anybody…

“Morning beautiful” he beamed, he looked so cute when he said it I couldn’t help but allow my stomach to leap a bit…

“Morning stranger” I said showing him the biggest smile I could possibly pull, I was happy to see him and I actually did miss him…

“Want a lift to school, funnily enough I’ve missed you” he replied with a look on his face that was hard to say no to…

“Ha missed you to! Sure, I’ll just go get my bag” I said as I ran into my bathroom, quickly putting on some perfume and lip balm , I wanted to look and smell at least half decent, even if it was for school.

I grabbed my bag, said goodbye to my mum , who was still practically fast asleep and ran back into my bedroom…I loved my new bed room compared to my old one, I had a window that led onto a small balcony, which then had some stairs attached to it, perfect for a teenager!

“Where’s your car?” I asked looking a bit bewildered…

“Oh we’re not taking the car, you have yet to be introduced to my bike” he said quickly whisking round the corner to retrieve a big black, shiny motorcycle, he looked at it admiringly, brilliant.

I wasn’t going to argue, there was no way I was going to be allowed to say no, you could tell that he really wanted me to try it, one little ride couldn’t hurt right…

He passed me a helmet and lifted me onto the bike before I could even have a chance to put the helmet on, oh he was definitely eager for me to go for a ride…

“Are you ready?” he asked, you could hear the smile behind his voice, this was going to be fun….

“YeESSSSSSS…” before I could even have the chance to finish my sentence we were already flying at god knows what speed down my drive and out onto the open road…

The wind was pounding violent against me, but it wasn’t a bad feeling, it felt good, exciting. My heart was racing so fast, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body faster than the speed of the bike, I wanted to scream and shout “waaahooo” but come on this was a little immature…

I was enjoying it so much I completely lost track of the direction we were going. It only took about 10 minutes in the car and being on a bike it probably would have taken half that time, swear we had been driving for longer than 10 minutes and I was pretty sure we weren’t going in the direction of my school…

I didn’t know whether to start panicking, or relax and learn to live a little, I mean it’s not like he was going to take me to some strange place and murder me, well I hope not anyway…

5 minutes after that dramatic thought passed through my head Harley pulled into a little drive way leading onto a massive lake surrounded by big oak tree’s and a little lake house overlooking the amazing view….it was beautiful, but why were we here?

The bike came to a Holt, Harley jumped off the bike and then helped me down, I pulled off my helmet straight away so I could find out as to why I wasn’t at school…

“Harley, I’m….”

And there it was he cut me off straight away

“I’m so sorry Evie, I wanted it to be a surprise, I’ve never taken any one here before and I want you to be the first person to see it” he soothed, looking deep into my eyes, oh he was good at doing that.

“Harley, this place is beautiful” is all I could manage to say, I was a bit overwhelmed that he’d bring me here, it was amazing and even in the winter!

“Believe it or not I own this place, I got left it by a relative that passed away a few years ago, I come here when I want to be alone, but it’s far too much for me to appreciate by myself, so that’s why I brought you here”

“Wow, that’s so nice of you, not being funny though but its freezing, want to show me around inside?” I laughed, it was the middle of winter, the icy cold breeze would have been okay if I was wearing a nice thick coat….which I wasn’t. 

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