Chapter 1

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[𝐈. 𝐇.]

The café was more packed than usual. It was 4PM on the first weekend of summer, when a spiky-haired male entered and walked to the cashier. He was wearing a grey hoodie with a denim jacket over.

"A cappuccino, please," he said to the person handling the register.

"One cappuccino for Iwaizumi coming right up," the cashier smirked at his for knowing his name already. They were friends, you see, Iwaizumi and Matsukawa. 

"Oh, piss off," he truly tried to love his best friend. Keyword: tried.

"Never," Mattsun replied, making Iwaizumi's desired drink, "Here you go," he handed him the streaming mug.

"Thanks," Iwaizumi handed him the money. 

Like I said, the café was more packed than usual, so Iwaizumi had to settle for the last table available. It was beside one of the large glass windows and perfectly looked towards the outside.

To top all of that, it was raining. Not very hard, but raining nonetheless.

Even with all the quiet, yet loud noise from people and coffee machines, Iwaizumi was calm and contented. Sipping his coffee, while watching the glass fog up from the rain.


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