Chapter 20

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[𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮] [𝐈𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞]

Vibe-y music was playing in the background. Colorful lights becoming a blur of strobes and blobs of vibrant dots.

"Imagine if I never met you that day," Oikawa reminisced, while swaying his upper torso to the music. They were both sitting on a bench, tired from walking around. Besides, it was getting late.

"Imagine if I told you to piss off," Iwaizumi replied with a chuckle.

"You didn't though," he replied, a soft smile played on his lips, "That's what I'm very grateful for."

"I am glad I met you that day," Iwaizumi said, mimicking the smile, "Whether you know it or not, you changed my life and I can't thank you enough."

"What, were you lonely or some shit?"

"As a matter of fact, I was. Very, very lonely," he replied with a sweet, melodious laugh directed towards himself.

"God, I love your laugh," Oikawa replied, smiling, as he stood up and held his hand out, "Dance with me?"

Iwaizumi ducked his head and, if possible, blushed even a darker and prettier shade of crimson.

"Oh, c'mon. Don't go all shy on me now," Oikawa replied, not changing his standing position, "but if that's how you'll reject me, might I say, you look so damn adorable that I wouldn't feel bad about it."

"Of course, I'll dance with you," he replied after some laughter, "Who do you take me for?"


They did dance, of course. In the middle of a clear patch of ground, where the light hit everything just right. Oikawa looked beautiful, but he would swallow his pride and admit that Iwaizumi was ethereal under those lights.

Once they finished, faces slightly flushed from the rush, they walked away from the crowd and sat on the swings. The air was breezy and the lights of the festival was farther in-front of them.

"I will not stress this enough," Oikawa started, swinging back and forth, legs trying to balance his weight out, "but I am so, so glad to have known you."

"Why past tense though? Do you not know me anymore?" Iwaizumi joked, he sat stationary on his swing.

"Let me be sentimental in peace!" he replied with an exasperated sigh.

The other softly laughed at him in reply.

Iwaizumi couldn't help but stare at the boy sitting beside him him, completely lost in his own bubble, admiring bustle of people walking from game to game. Oikawa's eyes reflected the colorful lights and all he could hear was his own soft breathing and the handsome boy beside him's occasional hums.

Then, the dark-haired boy started swinging. He swung really high as the other boy watched him in childish awe. He almost fell off, but didn't because he clung onto the chains with dear life, which caused them both to laugh.

"I hate you," Iwaizumi said, he didn't mean it. He didn't think he could ever hate the angelic boy staring right at him. He was too perfect, too beautiful, too sweet, too endearingly annoying, for him to be hated. Especially by him.

"No, you don't," Oikawa jokingly retorted. He knew in his heart that Iwaizumi didn't hate him. He wouldn't know what to do if he did. He'd probably slowly fall deeper into his spiral of despair, that, by the way, even unknowingly, the spiky-haired boy slowly pulled him out of.

"Yeah, maybe I don't," he realized what he said, it's not that he didn't mean it, but did the other really know what he meant by this?

The fluffy brown-haired boy's eyes widened in shock, "Do you... Do you actually mean that?" he carefully asked, a soft tone lingering past his lips, as he turned his head towards the other.

"Yeah," he breathlessly replied, "I like you," he said, then contemplated, "I like you a lot, actually," he blushed at his own statement. Since when was he such a sap?

Oikawa went in shock, his heart rate going haywire. He knew his face was very red, but who cares? His eyes were trained on the other boy's beautiful and entrancing dark green eyes.

He smiled, a soft, fond-filled, smile, and chuckled, "God, I feel like a middle-schooler right now, but I like you too," he admitted.

Iwaizumi glanced at the other's lips and pulled his swing closer to his. Hands caressing Oikawa's smooth skin, thumb running over his jawline.

With one feathery movement, he pulled him in closer and connected their lips together. Oikawa's lips were syrupy sweet, like honey, as his hands positioned themselves on the other boy's forearm. He did not hesitate to kiss back, Iwaizumi's lips were chapped, yet flawless as it is.

They pulled away, grinning to themselves like utter dorks.

"You taste like cotton candy," Iwaizumi said. He didn't let go of the swing Oikawa was on.

He laughed in reply, "Well, I did eat seven."

He kissed Iwaizumi's cheek, the type that makes you feel all bubbly inside, and said, "Scratch that, I love you, Iwa-chan."

The latter smiled really wide, creasing the side of his eyes, causing small dimples on his cheek, and replied, "I love you too, 'Kawa."


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