Chapter 3

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[𝐎. 𝐓.] [𝐈. 𝐇.]

"Hey, can I sit here?" he asked. There was a spiky-haired male sitting on a two-person table. He looked rude, but it was worth a shot just for a chair.

"Go for it," he replied, not taking his eyes off the outside.

He placed his hot chocolate right beside the other's cappuccino and threw all the marshmallows in.

When the spiky-haired one was about to take his own drink, he peeked at the other's and said, "Is that hot chocolate?"

"Yeah, no shit sherlock," the fluffy light brown-haired one replied sarcastically. He pushed up the thin, wired glasses that sat on his nose bridge.

"So, I assume no one likes you?" the other boy stated with a smirk.

"What makes you assume that? Everyone loves me," the bespectacled one replied with a obnoxious smile and a smirk.

"Well, for starters, you've never met me before and you're already being rude," he reasoned. He did have a point, but who cares?

"I'm sure you're just the same as I am," he argued back. It wasn't really arguing— let's call it playful banter.

"What, rude?"

"I suppose so," he replied after some thought. He picked up his hot chocolate, now with a melted layer of sticky sugar on top, and took a sip. His glasses momentarily fogged up due to the steam then returned back to its original shiny, transparent state.

The two strangers sat in silence. Enjoying their afternoon and enjoying each other's mysterious presence.


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