Best Friends

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Ushijima was an athletic person. Unlike some though, this athleticism wasn't fuelled by guilt or a desire to impress others. No, Ushijima Wakatoshi worked out simply because he enjoyed it. It didn't hurt that these little sessions also helped out with volleyball, of course.
He'd just finished his final rep with a barbell and was now stretching out again to prepare for his daily run. He was just about to leave when Tendo Satori entered the gym, wearing running shoes with a towel slung over his shoulder.
"Wakatoshi-kun!" Tendo crowed, "I knew I'd find you here. Your schedule is very predictable. Anyways, watcha working on, hmm?"
"I was just about to leave on a run."
"Perfect," Tendo stretched out his legs and shook his arms out. "I hate weights."
"You hate runs too, Tendo." Ushijima commented.
"Yeah, but at least I can do them. Plus, if I don't clock in a certain number of hours outside of practice, Coach'll have my hide."
"You'd be better at weights if you'd work on them more," Ushijima pointed out.
Tendo just waved a hand, "Too late for that, Wakatoshi-kun, but I appreciate the confidence. Besides, it would disrupt our roles. You're the handsome brawn, and I'm the charming asshole."
"Alright then," Ushijima shrugged. "Let's get going."
"Okydokes. Take it easy on me, hmm, Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendo tossed the towel into a locker with the rest of his stuff and followed Ushijima out of the gym.
He began his normal route, quickly leaving campus. Tendo, despite all of his complaints, kept pace. You wouldn't know it by how he acted, but the red head was actually a decent runner.
"So, Wakatoshi-kun," Tendo began, and the two of them fell into an easy rhythm with one another, Tendo providing endless topics of conversation and Ushijima providing short, to the point responses.
He didn't really understand how it was possible that Tendo always had so much to say, but he appreciated it. Ushijima wasn't very talkative himself, and as a result, people often assumed he didn't enjoy conversation and left him out of many of them. They didn't do it on purpose, but that didn't stop it from stinging a little.
Tendo never did that, though. He never stopped talking to him. If Ushijima was honest, he wasn't sure why, really. Even he could acknowledge he didn't give the middle blocker much to work with. It's not that he didn't try, he just never knew what to say, and often, he didn't feel like he had something worthwhile to say.
Ushijima could feel himself lapsing even further into his trademark silence, and unconsciously began to pick up his pace. Tendo noticed, of course, but for once, he didn't say anything, just matched Ushijima's space as he ran faster and faster. It was just what he needed. Tendo always did know just what he needed.
Eventually, he wore himself out, and they stopped at the edge of a street corner, panting.
Tendo groaned loudly, "Okay, now we are going into that ice cream shop across the street and we are getting ice cream and we are going to sit there for a a while."
He didn't argue, and let Tendo lead the way into the building. They slipped into a small booth near the back and chatted until the circulating waiter came to take their orders. Tendo got chocolate ice cream, obviously. It was his favourite. Ushijima wasn't much of an ice cream person, but he went ahead and ordered a pistachio cone. He owes Tendo this much at least after turning their run into his own personal venting session.
"Geez, Wakatoshi-kun." Tendo flopped backwards dramatically, "Just so you know, I'm counting that as two of my workout sessions this week."
Ushijima smiled faintly, "Coach won't like that."
"Who says he has to know?"
And just like that, Tendo shifted back into his chatty mode, at least, until the ice cream came. Tendo took ice cream very seriously, and didn't say another word until his bowl had been practically licked clean.
"Alrighty, then. Ready to head back Wakatoshi-kun?"
Ushijima nodded, and they paid their bill and headed back out onto the street. They waited at the nearby bus stop, having decided to get a ride back given their journey here and the late hour. He let Tendo take the lead again so he would be able to slide more easily into the window seat. Ushijima knew it was his friend's favourite, and he didn't care much either way. The ride back passes pretty characteristically for the two of them. Tendo had gotten to talking about a new anime series he had started. Tendo hadn't read the manga yet, surprisingly, but he couldn't wait to. Ushijima hadn't seen it, of course, but that had never stopped the two of them before. Around Tendo, he didn't have to try to be anything else, and neither did his friend— at least, he hoped. He supposed he'd never really know that for sure.

They got back to the dorms and said a quick farewell to each clean up a bit. Tendo would come by when he was done. The two of them almost always did homework or hung out together in the evenings. Ushijima showered quickly—he was practical that way—and changed into a lose T-shirt and sweats. He settles onto the bed to read a chapter for English tomorrow.
Half an hour later, Tendo, who liked to take long showers, arrived in Ushijima's dorm. Tendo had on his signature black hoodie, and his hair was still damp, hanging down and always getting in his eyes. Ushijima had always thought he looked more vulnerable like that. Tendo flopped onto the bed beside him, and he set down his book. He had finished most of the chapter, anyways.
"Ready for practice, tomorrow, Wakatoshi-kun?"
Ushijima nodded in affirmation.
"I didn't even have to ask, did I?" Tendo snickered and slung an arm around Ushijima's shoulder. "Hey, guess what, I heard this epic rumour about a little crush of Semisemi's." Tendo wiggles his eyebrows mischievously. "I was totally right, and I am going to lord it over him forever."
Ushijima smiled a little and let Tendo ramble on. He didn't say anything, but that wasn't really new. Eventually, though, when Tendo had finished plotting, he did speak, and then it was the question he'd been wondering about all day.
"Tendo, why are we friends?"
The redhead blinked, surprised. A moment later, he joked apprehensively, "Wow, Wakatoshi, if you really wanted me to shut up, you should have just said so."
"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, because we're so different. You talk and laugh and joke all the time, and I barely react or say anything. It must get boring for you."
Tendo cocked his head to the side and stared at him. Ushijima's soul felt bare, and he wished desperately that he hadn't spoken at all.
"Who the hell said you were boring?"
Ushijima blinked, suprised. "I—"
"Wakatoshi, you are the star ace of a topic school, Olympic bound. You hate small talk, you're competitive as shit, and despite an earnest effort," Tendo gestured to the book on the nightstand, "you're horrible at English. And why we're friends? Well, I can't speak for you, but on my end, you put up with my ceaseless talking. Seriously, I never stop. I even talk about plot lines and issues you've never read before. Very few people would subject themselves to that willingly. And you legitimately listen. You remember everything I've ever told you. It makes me look bad by comparison, but it's sweet. Also, let's get real. I can be a complete asshole, so the real question is how the fuck you put up with me? Plus," Tendo shrugged. "I also just like you. Can't explain it."
Ushijima was dumbfounded, but for once, he did know what to say. "I appreciate it, Satori. I like you as well. You're my best friend." He said it matter-a-factly, because that's what it was. A fact.
Tendo shifted and flopped across Ushijima's lap. "Well, that's good to hear, because you're mine too."

I return from the void! It took me less time than the last chapter, so I consider this a victory. Not much to say, but I hope everyone's doing well/okayish, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's not my best, but I'm tired of working on it so here you go.

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