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Bella p.o.v

I hate moving.I'm originally from from Washington,which is were my family and I are going now.In the past we've moved a dreadful amount of time times to different times,to different countries.We can't stay in one place for too long,people will start to suspect that we're not aging.I was sitting in the back seat of my brother Justin's car.He's really tall with crazy brown hair.He was attempting to smolder his girlfriend(my step sister)and she chuckled about how immature he was sometimes.She was also eighteen.Her name's Jennifer,She's a natural red head with curly hair down to her elbows.We're going to Forks Washington,the rainiest place on earth.We were thinking we could go to England next.I could see a familiar red convertible next to Justin's yellow ferrari.That must be Emily's.She's my step mother.My only blood relative from this family is Justin.Emily is the nicest person I have ever met.She's the one that found me when I was a confused newborn vampire.If she didn't I would have probably wiped out the entire town of Forks.We don't know who or why someone would just change me and leave me there.When they changed me I was dying.I wish I could just forget about this part of my life.I was raped.A lot of people are,yea I know.This was by my exboyfriend.To make it worse I was pregnant.For as long as I live I will never forgive him.He wasn't even drunk.I guess you could say we're even.I ended his life just like he wanted to end mine and my baby's.I was so stupid.Deep inside I knew I never loved him and I knew that every time he said he loved me it was a lie.I broke up with him because he used to beat me on a daily bases.My brother Justin found me and brought me to Nick,who changed me.We were worried about Justin.He was never home and he looked like he was always in pain.He would barely eat and his skin was pale white and ice cold. Nick,Justin,Emily, Jennifer,and I who was now part of the family fled to England.Everyone thought that Justin and I died in a car accident.I always new that Somthing suspicious was going on with this family.They never socialized and they kept to themselves at school.From the passenger seat I saw a pale hand reach out and tuck a stand of her silky black hair around her ear.That's my stepdad Nick.He's the best.I started looking for my stepsister Megan's car with my my stepbrother Noah but I stopped myself remembering that I wasn't going to find them.They were going to run to Forks.That would probably take less time,especially in this traffic jam.For now I popped in my head phones and tried to ignore the Kissing of my relatives and the happy couples.I gave up on boyfriends a long time ago

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