New house

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I was sitting on our new love seat,with my head phones in,while around me people were carrying around boxes.I was listening to my favorite band,the Jackson five.I was singing along to the lyrics as Justin gave me an annoyed look,probably because my lack of work.Michel Jackson wasn't from my time,which is the 90s but I still was in love with him.

"Oh darling I was blind to let you go,let you go baby,but know when I see you in his arms,I want you back!"

By now I was moon walking threw the hall ways.I accidentally bumped into mom."I'm sorry am I disturbing you?"

She said sarcastically.She handed me a giant box and ordered me to bring it into my room.I balanced the box in one hand and used the other to snap to the song."Baby!Baby!Ooooh!I want you back!"

I screamed that at the top of my lungs which caused many groans and 'shut ups' from my family.I stapes into my new room.It was very large,and three of the walls were white,the other was painted blue.I wouldn't call this a 'house'.It's more like a mansion.We chose this particularly because the woods are right next to us.My family and I don't hunt humans,we hunt animals.You can call us vegetarian.We are revolted of the idea of killing people regularly.We also picked this house because we didn't have that much neighbors.Just two,well one family I guess.One mansion was surely abandoned.The windows were busted,the paint was almost completely chipped of,and it was pitch black in there.The complete opposite. This house was on the opposite side of ours and was a little bit farther away.The walls were transparent so we could see every little detail from inside there mansion.I could see a shiny black convertible pulling into their driveway as our U-haul truck drove away.There was a blond man in the car who looked like he was in his late twenties.He looked over to our house with a curious glare.I turned from my window and started to un pack.One of my boxes was full of just C.D's.I had everything in here,The beatles,The supremes,The Jackson five,Michel Jackson,The temptations,Elvis presly,Johny cash etc.I even have some that annoy the living hell out of my family like Bruno mars,Rihanna,Miley Cyrus,The black eyed peas and so on.I started filling the empty shelves with my music.I looked back at the empty floor visualizing were to put everything.I took my empty cardboard box and went downstairs to get the next.This time I did an electric slide threw the hall way and managed to do the twist down the stares.Noah handed me one of my boxes and he took one of his to his room.I think this one had my clothes in it because of how light it was so I took another box with my name on it.I could have took all of my boxes at once,with the in human speed and all.but that would have been hard to balance.I switched my weight to both sides melodically as the song changed to jail house rock.I came back into my room and headed to my wardrobe.I went to look out the window,but this time there was already someone looking at our house from his room.He was tall with messy bronze hair.His eyes met mine and they widened,and mine did too.This boy wasn't human,he was a vampire

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2013 ⏰

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