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At the entrance of the alley Jessica noticed a black Rolls Royce parked decently. She couldn't turn away her eyes from the spectacular car. "If the car is here then the prince is somewhere near." She thought. She peeped inside the car but nothing was visible due to the tinted glass. Jessica looked at her watch and rushed in the club. As soon as she entered she noticed the boss's eyes were following her. He is surrounded by few men in expensive suits, having serious talk. Jessica couldn't see their faces as their backs were turned towards her. She feared the worst. She rushed to the changing room and almost flew to her seat and picked up the guitar. She slowly turned half her head and her eyes met with her boss. He smiled and Jessica smiled back. "Thank god. He smiled." She thought. Jessica picked up a romantic note for starter today but her eyes were scanning the whole floor for the prince charming. "He could be anyone. How would I know? Or maybe the owner of the Royce is not in the club. I will never know then." Jessica's thought wandered.

At lunch break the boss Mr. Wick summoned for Jessica. Mr. Wick is a nice person full of generosity. Jessica has many times quit his club and tried for other jobs of Radio Jockey or a music teacher but everywhere there are problems. Somewhere she faces the problem of not having a proper qualification certificate, somewhere she faces the problem of being a girl or somewhere the problem is simply for not having parents and having a drug addict brother. But whenever she returned back to Mr. Wick like an injured soldier, he has always welcomed her with open arms.

She tip toed into his cabin and took a seat in silence. "Today is not the payment date she knows, then what the purpose of this urgent meeting is?" she thought. Mr. Wick is a stout man with a lean and thin voice quality.

Jessica cleared her throat and said "sir you wanted to see me? Is everything all right?"

He laughed aloud and it sounded like a glass break. Then he said "rather, there's good news for you. Of course if you agree."

Jessica's eyes widened.

The lean voice continued "have you ever heard about the 'Arthurs'? They are announcing their son as the new M.D of their company." Mr. Wick looked into Jessica's eyes.

"They are organizing a grand function with national and international, high ranking guests. The world's most richest and influential people will gather under one roof." He paused.

A big ball of saliva rolled down under Jessica's throat.

Mr. Wick continued "It's a great honor for me and for you too that they have chosen you to sing among so many great musicians who will play for them that night."

"Are you ready girl"?

Jessica sat spellbound like a dew drop hanging at the brink of a leaf. "Why me?" she asked.

"That's it? Is this all you have to ask?" exclaimed the grumpy man.

"I want to know your opinion. It's a great opportunity for you Jess. You are a star. Go and show your talent. Spread the magic of your voice. Who knows you may find a platform you deserve?"

Mr. Wick lowered his eyes and said "this club is my bread and butter. I know the girls working here face a lot of humiliation every day. But you are different Jess. This place is not for you. I can raise your pay but I can't clean the mess of those people outside."

"How much time can I get to decide?" asked Jessica.

"Only 24 hours. I want a yes by tomorrow. Go and do whatever preps you want to do." said Wick hastily.

Jessica was getting chills. She waited for Ahana to return from her work. Ahana jumped out from her chair with a scream and said "are you kidding me? You will be performing for 'THE ARTHURS'? And you need time to THINK? It's a yes, a definite yes my baby girl." Ahana sat face to face with Jessica looking eagerly into her eyes with a big grin.

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