Best YouTubers to watch

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Hello again!
So in this chapter, I'm going to tell you the best YouTubers to watch when trying to become flexible. These YouTubers do tutorials, routines, etc to help you on your journey to flexibility.

1. Anna Mcnulty
Anna is an 18 year old contortionist. She does weekly videos that are related to either health, contortion, fitness or flexibility. She posts regular stretching routines for different parts of the body and different stretch challenges for her viewers to get involved in. She encourages her viewer to post their progress on either TikTok or Instagram so that she can give shoutouts to them and react to their progress.

2. Alivia D'Andrea
Alivia is around 18 or 19. She is a dancer and YouTuber who post videos related to fitness, health and healthy eating, motivation, dance and flexibility. Her dance and flexibility videos are mostly stretching routines and tutorials that I myself have used and achieved flexibility with. During her stretch routines, she will tell you motivational quotes to help you keep going. She also has a series called the 'Glow Up Diaries" that documents her weight loss journey and overcoming binge eating.

3. The Rybka Twins (Sam and Teagan)
Sam and Teagan are acrobats and dancers who are in their early twenties. They post weekly videos related to dance, contortion, acrobatics and flexibility. They like to do challenges related to all of these too. The stretch routines and tutorials are not posted as often but are still very helpful. Some of their content is also aimed at younger people.

4. Lilliana Ketchman
Lilly K is a dancer and contortionist. She is a younger YouTuber, aged between 11 and 13. I do not watch much of her content but I know that she posts stretch routines and tutorials. Some of which are for more advanced people or people who have experience in contortion.

5. Erica Lin
I don't know much about Erica but she post videos related to flexibility, contortion and dance. This is mainly stretching routines and tutorials.

Remember to be careful when practicing contortion as your body needs to be 100% ready to do it or else you may push yourself too far which could lead to an injury.

Thank you for reading! Give this chapter a vote and comment any questions if you have any.

Who is your favourite YouTuber? (It doesn't have to be someone related to flexibility).

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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