Chapter 13

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I went to my room to take a shawer and get some rest but while I was shawering,I kept having flashbacks of what happened and I sat in the bathtub crying my eyes out.

"Why was all this happening to me?What have I done so wrong to deserve all this?Was it a crime to love?Why me?Why?".Lots of rhetorical questions hunted my mind and it was driving me nuts.

I loved Harry with everything in me but there's a fine line between love and hate.And Harry more than crossed that line.The line is a dot to him and I hated him with so much passion,I wished him dead.

Mom came into the washroom to check on me and found me crying so she consoled me,gave me a bath and took me to the bed to have some rest.She was handling all this smoothly but I knew she was just tryna be strong for me as mom.She was dying inside.

The next day I woke up and it was another day in paradise,minus the paradise.I felt like a living dead.My entire life flashed before my eyes and I hated all the parts of it that involved the foolishness called love.

What is love?Love is just a word.A word without emotions,without peace.Meaningless.A lot of people say they're inlove but feel nothing.Love is a camouflage for lust,pain and hate.

Love doesn't go my way so I chose to stay away from it.I'd never fall inlove again.Loving never gave me peace.It never gave me joy.Love only left me alone.

Mom brought my favourite breakfast in bed - two fried eggs,toasted bread and tea with lots of milk.It looked so tasty but I didn't feel the need to eat.

I wanted to just disappear from the world.I was very depressed and just wanted it all to end.I had nightmares the night before and couldn't sleep very well.I was really tired of living.

I stopped going to school and the police where still searching for Harry.Vero decided to come over to my house everyday after school to give me notes and also teach me some things they've learnt in my absence.

But I was never really paying attention.I was just numb and waiting on death or news that Harry had been found.I was so dead inside that I pitied myself.

I was still in a dilemma as to why all this were happening to me.I wished I'd just wake up and realise this was all a really bad dream.This was a nightmare I desperately wanted to wake up from.

A few days pasted and mom finally got me to agree to go shopping with the girls one hot afternoon and also get some ice cream.It was the first time I was stepping out of the house after the incident.

Everyone was happy with this improvement and I was feeling a little bit happy to go out as well.But little did I know what or should I say who,was waiting for me to step out of the house.

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