Model (jonathan brandis)

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Author: sorry this not a reader x Jonathan story

Me and Jonathan been bestfriends for a while we met through sea quest but I decided to leave the show so they killed me off. But me and Jonathan still really close I'm more into modeling now but I still do films.

The fans love me and Jonathan friendship they even requested we get together I decided to surprise him on set of sea quest they were finally on season 2 I walked in I said hey to everyone and decided to head to his trailer when I walked in he was getting his hair slicked down I kissed his cheek he turned to me and hugged me so fast.

"Lexi!! Sanchez what are u doing here" he asked me. "I came to surprise u I missed u" I said I then released the hug and kissed his cheek. "When I'm gonna get a kiss here" he said pointing to his lips.

"In your dreams" I said rolling my eyes. "Well u gotta get on set let go" I said grabbing his arm and we then went to the whole crew. "How about we take a picture" Jonathan suggested.

"Yes! Let do it" I said Jonathan put an arm around me as all the cast standed next to everyone as we took a picture on our Polaroid.

~[5 months later]~

Unfortunately somehow that picture got out and people thought I was returning seaQuest so I had to post an article that I was not returning to clear things up.

Lexi: as u may know a lot of people wondering will I be returning seaQuest season 2 the answer is no I will not be but I was visiting Jonathan as u may know as my bestfriend/soulmate I hope u understand Xoxo

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Lexi: as u may know a lot of people wondering will I be returning seaQuest season 2 the answer is no I will not be but I was visiting Jonathan as u may know as my bestfriend/soulmate I hope u understand Xoxo

After I got that article Jonathan was done filming so he decided to take me to brunch I sat on his bed reading a book as he combed the same piece of hair to it was perfect. "Jonathan u look great let go before it lunch" I said. "Alright fine, but I have to look good for the best" he said smiling.

I then hopped off his bed and cupped his face and kissed his cheek. "Let get going" I said we then got in his car as we made it to the place we were eating at as we walked in holding hands swinging back in forth a little girl that looks about 11 came up to us.

"Hey can u guys sign right here" she said pointing to a picture of me we agreed as Jonathan wrote his name I then wrote mines then Jonathan stopped me. "U spelt it wrong it brandis, Lexi brandis" he said smirking as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You guys are so cute, are u dating?" She asked us. "Nooo, we're just bestfriends basically soulmates" I said laughing she laughed then walked along.

Me and Jonathan had a photo shoot/ interview together so we went there they was asking the questions now. "What would you describe u and Jonathan relationship" the lady asked.

"Well, I won't put a label on it but I'll say we're soulmates definitely we even want to start a family together and get married eventually" I explained. "Well since y'all not dating would u ever date any other people" the lady asked.

"W-well I won't say date any other people even though we're not dating we still won't date any other people and Lexi she picky I'm glad she like me and I have no standards" he said making me laugh but it was true I'm really picky.

We then started the photo shoot the 1st picture we hugged each other with a teddy bear in the middle the 2nd we kinda kissed but it was like a Side one the 3rd we sticker our toughs out and we put it on each other.

We was now at his house I sat on his bed as he read a book "this an interesting relationship me and u have" he said which made me looked up we never really talked about it. "What u mean?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb" he then smashed his lips on mine as electricity filled my body we then pulled away to catch air. "So what does this mean" I asked holding his hand. "I guess where dating" he said.

This sucks I'm sorry ☹️

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