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Me and Martha been friends awhile now so today it Thursday you know what that mean tomorrow Friday so I decided to ask Martha over for a sleepover.

I was at soccer practice when I saw Martha talking to vinessa I dribbled the ball over to them as vinessa left. "Hey martha" I said. "H-hey y/n" she said.

"Well tomorrow Friday and I was wondering do u want to have a sleep over" I said. "Yeah sure just meet me after practice " she said. "Alright well see u later" I said dribbling the ball away from her.

We were now walking from practice my feet hurted so bad it like a dozen bees stinged me but Martha was doing fine. "We should go to the park" I suggested. "Hm I don't know-" Marta said before jocks pulled up in there car.

"Hey u got any fries with that shake" a guy said. "We don't even have any shake" I said crossing my arms, "not u I'm talking about the blonde" he said before pulling off as Martha scoffed in disgust.

"Don't worry about it let go" I said pulling Martha arm. "Anyways let go see what Matthew doing" I said. "I-I-" she stuttered.

"Oh don't be a push over let go" I said grabbing her arm we then ran down the street to we was in front of Matthew house I then ringed the bell as Martha tensed. Coach answered .

He looked at me then martha and raised an eyebrow before smiling "what u kids want?" He asked. "Is Matthew home?" I asked. "Actually no he at a friends home" he said.

"Well okay see you coach" I said. Martha then mouthed 'thank you' i furrowed my eye brows an confusion as she looked at me and smiled. Coach winked I was definitely confused.


Martha sat on my bed I felt disgusted I needed a shower I started taking off my plaid pink jacket then took off my shirt as I was in my undergarment. I looked at Martha as her face was shocked "oh sorry" I said.

"No-no you fine" Martha said. "It just were both girls no shame" I said. "Hot" Martha mumbled. I turned around "w-what?" I asked her. "O-oh nothing I said hot it hot" she said. "Oh let me turn on the fan" I then turned on the fan hanging on ceiling.

Martha was sitting on my bathroom toilet as I washed up. "Towel" I said as she handed me my towel I wrapped it around my exposed body and turned off the water I got out as Martha jaw dropped.

"Woah radical" she said I furrowed my eyebrows confused. "Huh?" I said. "Oh I mean all boys gonna be over u your stunning" she said in a high voice. "Thanks I mean I try but boys are the last thing on my mind" I said as her smile drop.


We were now sitting on my bed playing lemonade game with our hands. "Let play something else- wait no let talk about boys" I said. "B-boys?" Martha asked. "Yeah, who do you like?" I asked her.

"Oh nobody I'm not really into boys- I mean I am I-" she said. "It okay I get it" I said. "Well what about u" she asked me.

"Well I don't really like boys 1 there gross and 2 it hormonal boys and all they want is sex or either a blow job" I said. "Oh..." she said. "But there is one boy matthew we been friends for a while but he have not made the move yet I think he not interested in me" I said.

"Well how u so sure?" Martha said. "Well if he liked me he would of kissed me by now" I said. "He already have" Martha said.

"What-" I said before I got cut off by Martha placing her lips on mine she was kissing in sync as I sat there eyes wide open shocked.

I pulled away. "Woah Martha I'm straight" I said. "Oh shit" she said she then pulled off her wig it matthew?! "What the heck going on matthew explain. "It hard to explain I had to do a favor for coach and teach some ladybugs how to play soccer sorry if u don't like-" Matthew said.

"Just shut up and kiss me" I said Matthew then pulled me in for a kiss as this time both our lips moved in sync as electricity filled our kiss that weekend was fun my newest boyfriend spended the weekend with me.

And every time my dad came in we acted like he was Martha.

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