First time (jonathan brandis smut)

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Date April 13 year 1993

It was Jonathan seven teen birthday as I couldn't be there to celebrate I got on a flight immediately as it got delayed. I was finally home as I knew I had to get to Jonathan house before it was midnight. I put on a pear of shorts and a hoodie as I climbed through my bed room window.

I fell in a plant as I could care less at the moment I jogged down the street as I saw Jonathan house I saw him about to put the key in his door "Jonathan" I said out of breath basically whispering.

"Y/n are you okay let get inside" he said opening his door and pulling me in. "Where you're parents?" I asked him. "Out until tomorrow worst birthday ever" he said stomping up his stairs.

"Hey ima get in the bath" he said. "Mind if I join?" I asked him. "I-I mean yeah you sure?" He asked me. "Sure as I'll ever be" I said.

He then ran a bath as I sat on the toilet waiting for the water to get up. Soon it did as me and him both got undressed nervously kinda chuckling as we sat in the water. "Why you really come here" he said giving me eye contact as his tone filled with lust.

"It you're birthday and I couldn't make it earlier I want to make it up to you" I said as I made eye contact with him. He then swept his hands around me and lowered them on my bottom back as he scooted me in as our body parts touched.

We then did small little tender passionate kisses as my body cored for him "Jonathan I want you" I said breaking the kiss as Jonathan looked me from my neck to my face.

"I want you too" he said smirking as his eyes filled with a side I never seen of him but I wanted it. I don't know this feeling but my body was aching for Jonathan.

"I need you now it painful" I said as my body tensed. "Fuck y/n let do this, I need you" he said as we got out the tub we then kissed roughly as we hit walls falling trying to make it to his room we then closed the door and fell on top of his bed as we made out.

We then slowed our paste as we thought this really about to happen "are you sure you want to do this" he asked me consenting me. "Yes Jonathan I love you and I want to do this" I said as he leaned down and kiss my lips as I was aching for more as his member rubbed against my body of him leaning down to kiss me.

I couldn't take it anymore I flipped Jonathan over as I was on top of him I gave him pecks down to his member. "Y/n you don't have-" Jonathan started before I cut him off. "Jonathan I want to" I said as I started massaging his thing his head flew back in a groan.

I then started giving him oral he held my hair back as I kept going he kept groaning and moaning. I then felt him twitch in my mouth as I knew he was close he then flipped me over as he made out with me as he lined him member against me. I nodded telling him to go.

He then started filling me up as I moaned in pain. "It will get better I promise" Jonathan whispered in my ear. He then kept going as a relief of pleasure hit me as I moaned Jonathan name.

"Oh y/n you don't know what you doing to me" Jonathan moaned as he started quickening his pace. "Oh Jonathan" I moaned as he was pounding it me as I scratched his back. "Oh fuck!" I screamed as Jonathan kept going faster.

"Ugh!" I said as I knew I was almost there Jonathan then groaned as he pulled out and came on my stomach i laid there as Jonathan pushed my hair back scanning my eyes. He then got up and pulled up his boxers as I put my undergarments on. He then laid back down as I wiped the cum off my stomach.

I then turned to look at him "I love you Jonathan" I said. "I love you too" he said as he started spooning me he then kissed the back of my head as we fell asleep.

Requested by someone I hope I did not offend anyone I'm not assuming this how he is in bed it just for the imagine

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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