last night of summer pt.2

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when i pulled up to mckay's, my eyes widened at the amount of cars that were parked in the yard. i knew there was gonna be a lot of people here but i didn't know it would be this many.

i parked right next to nate's truck. i got out of my car and made my way to front door. as soon as i walked in i made eye contact with nate. he started charging towards me. i rolled my eyes and immediately walked the opposite direction. yes,meaning i deadass walked out of the house and back outside just so i didn't have to talk to him.

but he followed me. he caught up to me and grabbed my wrist and turned my body around toward him. i tried to get my wrist out of his hold but his grip was far too strong for me to fight off. i just stood there waiting for him to say something.

"you look like a whore" he laughed. "okay" i said with no emotion. he rolled his eyes because he didn't get the reaction that he wanted. "can you let go of me please" i asked. to my surprise,he did. i stood there with my arms crossed. "are you drinking tonight" he asked me. "what kind of question is that" i sassed. he raised his eyebrows at me. what a fucking idiot. "oh my fuck nate! yes i'm drinking. how dumb are you?" i said. he rolled his eyes. "whatever,just don't get too drunk. i'm not trying to have you get drugged and raped." he spoke. there was a bit of silence between us. but of course he followed his last sentence with "i mean the way you're dressed makes it look like you're asking to be raped"

i rolled my eyes at his ignorance. i walked away. "whatever nate" i said as i walked away. "pull that skirt down" he yelled. i didn't turn around. i just kept walking into the house but i did stick my middle finger up at him.

as i should.

i immediately spotted fezco sitting on the couch. i walked up to him and sat next to him. "yo ashley" he said. "hey fez" i said with a smile. "what up" he asked. "nothing but like can i have a puff bar" i asked him. he rolled his eyes. "yo i care about you,and you've been coming around a lot asking for weed and puffs" he said. "don't go soft on me fez" i whined. "nah i'm not,i just i like you's and i don't want nothing bad to happen to you" he said. i looked over and saw rue walk over to us and plop down on the other side of fez.

"you're not dead?" i asked her. she looked at me. "yo my bad that was rude" i said. she shook her head. "you're good." she said. i nodded my head. fez handed me a new strawberry lemonade flavored puff bar. i smiled at him. "i'll pay you later? my money is in my car." i said. "nah,you're good i gotchu" he said. i kissed his cheek and stood up.

i walked over to the kitchen because i was in desperate need of vodka. as soon as i got in there i watched nate storm out of the kitchen and he went outside. i didn't care to see what he was gonna do or find out why he was so mad. how much you wanna bet it was because of maddy?

i poured vodka into a cup and chugged it down quickly. the familiar burn ran down my throat. i put the cup down and saw some blonde girl walk into the party.

she's really fucking pretty. she has sparkly blue eyeshadow on and a really cute outfit. i watched her pour vodka in a shot glass and drink it.

nate came back in the kitchen and wacked everything off the counter. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE KITCHEN" he demanded. everyone cleared out besides me and the blonde girl.

he looked at me and i raised my eyebrows. he immediately looked away. he looked at the blonde girl and honestly everything after that was a shit show.

he was screaming in her face. yelling at the poor girl who literally did nothing to him. he was all in her face. i grabbed his arm to try to make him stop and walk away. but he grabbed his arm right out of my hold and pushed me back.

i stood there with my arms crossed watching nate harass this poor girl. until she did the unthinkable.  she grabbed a knife off the counter and went at him with it.

like the little bitch he is,he backed up with his hands up quickly apologizing and claiming he was just fucking around with her.

that's the thing i hate about some people. they're all talk. until it comes to bite them in the ass. and this situation was a perfect example. i rest my case.

and just when i thought it was over this bitch sliced her arm open and shoved her bloody arm right in his face. he screamed and said she was a physco. but he's the real physco. i'm just happy someone gave him a taste of his own medicine.

cause honestly,fuck nate jacobs.

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