what do we do?

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when we got home i went into my bedroom while cal and nate had a conversation. it was just cal telling nate to keep his head up and act innocent because he is innocent.

after cal left nate's room i went in there. me and nate haven't been alone since the drive to the carnival. it's about time we talk about what to do and make a plan.

i walked into his bedroom. he looked up from his bed and stared at me. he stood up and walked toward me. he put his hands out and i hugged him and cried in his arms.

i had to be strong for maddy because she was going through it worse than me right now. but i'm still not doing good. i mean i watched nate get interrogated like a criminal and i lied about who choked me.

i just want to feel okay. i want all of this to be okay. i want nate to stop being abusive but instead be the loving guy i know he can be.

when we unattached from our hug i looked up at him. he was staring at me and we stood there in silence. "ashley i'm sorry" he said with a tear coming out of his eye. "nate it's okay,we're gonna figure this out" i said. he kissed my lips and we walked to his bed.

"where were you all weekend?" he asked me. is he actually trying to start a fight right now? "um maddy's" i answered. he looked at me shocked. "you and her are friends now?" he asked. "um yeah" i replied. he shook his head at me.

"well is she okay?" he asked me. i'm surprised he didn't yell at me for being with her. and i'm even more surprised that he cared more about her being okay rather than yelling at me. "i don't know. she was a mess all morning and she wasn't doing good at the police station. should i call her?" i asked him.

"yeah put it on speaker but don't tell her i'm with you" he said. i nodded my head and called maddy. she picked up right away. "hey" she said through sniffles. "hey mads" i said. "you okay?" i followed. "yeah...no. i don't know. is nate okay?" she asked. "i texted him 25 million times and he won't answer" she whined. "the police told him to not contact you,that's probably why" i said. "oh. can you come over?" she asked me.

i wanted to stay with nate. he needed someone and i could use his comfort. plus me and him need to figure out how to blackmail tyler into confessing. however,maddy needs me. and i can't just leave her to deal with this on her own. what kind of person would that make me? not a good one. that's for sure.

"yeah i'll be over in like 30" i said. "okay love you" she said. "love you more" i said and hung up. i looked back up at nate. "ashley this is so bad" he said. "i know nate" i said. "look i'll give us 10 minutes to sit here and feel bad for ourselves but after that,we need to figure out how to get tyler to confess" i said.

nate looked at me. "you know you might be a whore but you're smart. i was surprised that you came up with that idea so fast" he said. i wanted to fight. he just called me a whore. but we need to figure something out so i fought back my urge to yell at him and kept my mouth shut.

so yes,we did literally sit there for 10 minutes in complete silence feeling bad for ourselves. then i got up and went into my bedroom to grab a few things for maddy's. nate came with me and that is when we hatched up our beautiful fucking plan.

better luck next time,tyler. you're going down.

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