Rich Bitch

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Simones POV

Everybody was gathered in the living room.Because my amazing husband Cameron threw me a big birthday party.
"Happy birthday to you" !
I smiled as everybody sung to me.
"Awww thank you all so much, I really appreciate this"
I blew out my candles and kissed Cameron on the cheek.
"Thank you for this party , you are amazing Cameron"
"Anything for my beautiful wife"
I blushed and smiled.
I felt like I had the perfect life.Cameron was a brain surgeon , and I was just his pretty house wife that rolled in his riches.So now I'm a rich bitch.I love Cameron, but I also married this white man for his money.But Cameron doesn't know that.But I know i would be even richer if I was to get rid of Cameron.I would collect all of his insurance money.I will inherit everything he owns.His money , this house.I will have it all.I would be the most untouchable black woman in spring field.

Everybody went off to mingle with their cliques.My best friend Ivy walks up to me.Her boyfriend Ethan was talking with my husband.
"Wow Cameron is so nice to throw you this party"
"Yes he is a sweetheart, he always go all out"
"How does it feel marrying such a rich man"?
"Amazing, but I didn't marry him for his money , I married him because I love and adore him"
"Are y'all thinking about having kids anytime soon" ?
"Oh no , not right now"
"Oh wow, well me and Ethan has been trying for some time now"
"I'm so sorry about your miscarriage"
"Thanks, I don't really like to talk about it"
"I can understand that"

Cameron's POV
"So how's your job" ? Ethan asked
"It's bittersweet you know , I have to see blood and brains every day"
"Haha...yeah well you knew what it was when you signed up"
"Aha that I did, but I love my job tho, helping people has always been my thing ever since I was a kid"
"That's good, i heard you were like the best brain surgeon in New Orleans"
"Oh well I don't wanna brag , but I do get the job how's your job been treating you" ?
"Oh well you know real estate is pretty good you know, I just got a sale a few days ago, got me like 200,000"
"Amazing, way to go Ethan"
"Yeah, I'm taking good care of Ivy and myself"
"Good, as you should, and I'm doing the same for Simone"

Simones POV
I walked into the bathroom to freshen up for a min.
"Kill him tonight , and you will have everything"
I kept repeating the words over and over again.
"You can do this Simone, you love him, but you love his money more"
I grabbed my diamond clutch bag and strutted out.
"Oh hey Simone" !
"Hey Diana" !
"I wanted to tell you that you are a goddess, just look at all that expansive jewelry on you"
"Aww thanks, Cameron brought everything Im wearing"
"Wow I wouldn't know what to do if I had a rich husband like that, I'm stuck with broke down in the kitchen"
"Who C.J" ?
"Yeah , I mean he is a waiter , he don't make that much"
"Well drop that man and find you a rich guy, my mama always said never settle for less , always the best"
"Ooh I know that's right"
"if you want expensive clothes, a big mansion, and a yacht you better get you a man that can provide you with all that, because at the end of the day , it's all about what's in those pockets"
"True, but I also still wanna have love for a do love Cameron right" ?
"What kind of question is that , I absolutely love Cameron, he made me the woman I am today, before I met him I was nobody"
Diana nods. "Sorry ...I hope I didn't offend you in any way"
"No, it's fine , I need to grab a drink"
"Happy birthday again"
I nodded and walked away into the kitchen.I grabbed myself some peach champagne.C.J was fixing himself a finger sandwich.
"Oh hey bday girl" he said smiling
"Hi C.J"
I said as I took a sip of the champagne.
"You look like money"
"I am money" I said grinning
"Wow, you bold wit it huh" ?
"I guess so"
"Poor lil black gal from the hood done married a white man and now she rich AF and thinks she better than all of the other Black people in this town"
I glanced at C.J wit a frown.He stands in front of me and glares at me.
"You might be fooling everybody out their with that little I love my husband act , but you ain't fooling me"
"Excuse me" ?
"I know you married Cameron for his money"
"You don't know what your talking about, I love him"
"Yeah right, you love his money, that's the only thing you love , and now you flaunting yo black ass all around this house like your shit don't stank, like you wasn't down with the struggle"
"I don't like the way your talking to me"
"Yeah because the truth hurts"
"Hey , is everything ok in here" ? Diana walks in with a grin
"Oh baby , I was just telling Simone how i love the champagne"
"Oh yeah it's real good" Diana said with a slight grin
I glanced at C.J.He grabs his glass and walks out with Diana, she looks at me.I gave her a quick fake smile.

I ran into the bathroom to calm down.C.J just got me heated.
"Fuck you okay yeah I married Cameron for his money, but I was tired of struggling, but once I kill him , I would be set for life and I would never have to worry about struggling ever again"

~that night~
Everybody was gone.
"Well since it's still your bday , did you wanna take the yacht for a ride before we go to bed" Cameron asked
"Oh that's a great idea"
"Okay baby"
He kisses my lips.I kissed him back.He walks out the room.I glared at him evilly from the back.This was the perfect time to kill him.

"I'm gonna change out of these heels really quick, meet me on the boat babe"
"Okay baby"
Cameron walks out the house.I slipped on some sneakers and headed out the house.But I fixed us a glass of whine.But I crushed up like every medication we had in the cabinet and I dumped and mixed it all into the glass.I walked outside on the dock to the yacht.
"Their go my beautiful chocolate wife"
"Here I am"
I smiled and flipped my hair.
"I missed you just that quick"he said
"I missed you too"
Me and Cameron sat on the yacht.
"I fixed us some whine, let's make a toast"
"Okay to what" ? Cameron asked with a smile
"To a beautiful, prosperous, and healthy relationship"
"Alright" !
We made a toast.
"Uh babe, can you do me a favor and get me some water" ? Cameron Asked
I wanted him to drink the dang whine so bad.
"Uh okay babe"
"Thanks your the best"
I hopped up and walked off the boat.
Cameron's POV
I quickly switched the drinks.I waited for Simone to come back.I glared at her as she walks back on the boat.
"Here go your water babe"Simone said
"Thanks baby" I said taking the water
"Now let's drink that whine" Simone said
I took a big gulp of my whine, and she did the same.I drunk some water afterwards.
"Good whine" I said smiling
"Mhm,very good"
"You know it's funny when you get the taste of your own medicine"
"Huh what are you talking about babe" ?
"I heard you in the bathroom before the party ended" ?
"Heard what" ?
"Don't play stupid, I heard everything , you were taking to yourself"
"Oh God my head and stomach is starting to hurt"
"You said you only married me for my money and that you wanted to kill me so you can inherit all my riches forever"
"Oh no"
Simone falls backwards.She was so weak.Tears fell from her eyes.I kneeled down over her body.
"I beat you at your own game baby, i did love you , but you wasn't gonna get away with that"
"Yeah I switched the drinks, that's why I told you to go get some water, I never drink water with whine, but you fell for my trap, so who's the mouse now" ?
I laughed.
"I ...I I'm sorry Cameron"
She sobs weakly.
"Too late" I said nonchalant
Her breathing begin to speed up , then slow down, and she suddenly dies with her eyes open.I picked her up and threw her body over the boat.She floated for a few mins , then her body was washed away into the ocean and gone just like that.A tear fell from my eye.I quickly wiped it and walked off the boat whistling.


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