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Jessie's POV
Me and my cousins was living the life in Hawaii for summer break.Everybody was chilling at the beach.
"Oh my gosh , I absolutely adore Hawaii"
"Hawaii is amazing" Nicole said
"It's so beautiful, like it's literal paradise"
"Aint it tho, if I could live here , I would" Nicole said
"Ayeeeeee" ! Mario runs towards us
Mateo was behind him.
"I see food" I said smiling
"We got some steak sandwiches and lemonade" Mateo said
"Sounds delicious"
"Oooooooh" Nicole said
"Yeah, I heard Hawaii's lemonade is life " Mario said
"Where's Nikki ? I thought she went with y'all" ?
"Oh she has a bikini malfunction and had to change" Mario said
"What happened"? Nicole asked
"Her bikini bra strap broke"
"Danmmm" Nicole says as she laughs
"So not funny" I said grinning
Nikki runs towards us.
"Ugh I had to change my whole bikini , because the other one is ruined, and I was gonna wear this bikini tomorrow at the Hawaii festival Ugh" !
"Awww , well I'm sure you packed enough bikinis"
"Yeah I did, but I wanted to wear this one specifically for tomorrow" !
"Ugh stop being a dramatic drama Queen" Mario said
Nikki starts cussing him out in Spanish.We laughed.
"Aye chill mamacita" he says
"Regardless of your bikini malfunction; your gonna still have a great time, don't let one thing ruin your trip" Nicole said
"Exactly" I said smiling
She nods and grins.
"Theirs that famous Nikki smile" Mateo said
She laughs.
Suddenly we heard rumbling sounds and everything begin to get really windy.
"Whoa what's that" ?? Mario asked
"Uhhhh what the hell" ?? Mateo said
"Wait a min"
A big huge wave was coming straight towards us.
"TSUNAMI" !!!! I screamed
Everybody begin to scream, panic , freak out and out run away.
"COME ONNNN" !!! Nicole screams
The tsunami immediately begin to wash everybody away.I was separated from my family.
I was getting fucked up, the water was so strong.I was trying to hold my breath as the water consumed me.The tsunami was so loud, powerful, and strong.Everything was getting wiped out.Finally the tsunami begin to calm down and clear out.All I seen was water covering the area.I seen dead bodies, injured screaming people.Debris was everywhere.I had got all hurt up.Something had cut my leg.I was now bleeding and limping.But I didn't care about that , the only thing I could think about was my family.
I kept calling them, but I didn't see or hear them.
"Oh God" !!!
I begin to cry.
"Where is my family Lord" ?!
Mario's POV
I was alone somewhere in the waters.I didn't know what to do.I ain't know if I was going or coming.I was so scared.I was shaking and terrified for my life.I don't know where my family at.They could be dead or alive.I don't know.Small waves was coming in.
"Oh fuck"
I accidentally tripped in the water and I went floating away.
Jessie's POV
"Mario" ?!
Mario's POV
I gasped.
"WHERE ARE U" ?! She screams
Jessie's POV
I quickly glanced all around and I seen a big tall tree standing.I immediately swam near it and I seen Mario floating away.
I quickly swam to rescue him.
"Take my hand" !
He reaches and I grabbed him.We hugged tightly.
"Oh I'm so happy your alive, are you okay" ?!
"Yes , I'm so happy your alive, are you okay as well" ?
"Something cut my leg, but I'll be okay"
"Jessie your bleeding"!
"I'll be okay, we just gotta find our cousins and get to safety"
Mario nods.As we was walking threw the water, we seen a body floating.We swam closer to the body.We sighed in relief, because it wasn't one of our cousins.
"Come on" I said pulling Mario's hand
"Help meeeeeeee" ! A boy screams
"Who that" ?
"I don't know but we have to go"
"No , we can't leave him, we gotta rescue him"
"Hey where are you" ?!
"Over here on the truck" !
We followed his voice.We found him, he was sitting on top of a floating truck.
"Hey, you okay" ?!
"I broke my arm" he says
"Oh shit, I might have to pop it back in place, I'm a certified nurse"
"Uh okay"
Me and Mario helped him down.
"Ow" ! He screams
"Careful , careful"
We manage to help him down.
"What's your name" ? I asked
"Nice to meet you J.T I'm Jessie and this is my cousin Mario, we're trying to find our other cousins, but we're gonna help you"
"Thank you"
"Now I'm gonna pop your arm back in place, it's gonna hurt like hell , but I need you to be strong for me"
He quickly nods.
"Squeeze my hand J.T" Mario said
"AHHHHHHGggg" !!
"I know , but it had to be done, you did good"
"Fuck" he says
"Good job man, I know the feeling, I broke my arm last year, and Jessie had to pop my arm back in place"
"Dang" J.T says
"Where's your family" ?
"I came with my girlfriend Anaya...I don't know where's she at"
"We will help you look for her"
"Thank you so much" !
"Of course, follow us"
J.T follows us.
An hour passed.
I winced in pain.
"Ooh my leg"
"We need to take a break cousin" Mario said
"No, we have to keep going"
"No you need to rest" Mario said
"I agree" J.T said
"Okay okay"
I quickly sat down.
"Careful Jessie" Jessie said
"I think you should stay here and me and J.T will get help"
"I think it's best , your leg is getting worse" J.T said
Mario's POV
"Okay" Jessie said nodding and wincing in pain
"We will come back for you okay" !
"Okay , but please be safe" Jessie said
"We will , you too"
I hugged Jessie.Me and J.T walked away.

Another hour had passed.It was so cold.
"Oh I feel sick, I'm so hungry" J.T said
I gasped.
"Oh I see a cooler , maybe it's some food in their"
"Let's see" J.T said
I grabbed the cooler and opened it and sure enough food was in their.Some sandwich's and juices.Me and J.T quickly ate and drunk.
"Let's save the rest for our families"
"I hope we find our family" J.T said
"Me too man"
As we went further we seen some people.The water wasn't as high in the area.Tents were set up.We ran in.People was eating and being treated.
"Oh I'm gonna go get Jessie and bring her back here"
"Okay" J.T said
Mario runs away.
"Here sweetie" a older woman says
She hands me a bottle of water and some chips.
"Thank you"
"Jessie! Mario, are y'all here" ?!
I glanced back and seen three people.
Mateos POV
"I don't see them Mateo" Nicole says
"What if their dead" ? Nikki asked
"No , don't speak like that"
A guy walks up to us.
"Are you looking for Mario and Jessie" ?
"Well I'm J.T , their alive, they rescued me"
"Oh thank God! Where are they" ?! Nicole asked
"Mario just went back to get Jessie, she hurt her leg pretty bad, so we told her to stay back and rest, he is on his way here with her"
"Oh thank you God" !
"Yes" ! Nicole said
"Praise God" ! Nikki said
J.T smiles and sighs deeply.
"You okay" ? I asked
"I can't find my girlfriend" J.T said
"Oh, well we will help you look for her" !
"Her name is Anaya, she has brown hair, about 5'2...light skin" J.T said
"Okay, maybe she's here somewhere" Nicole said
"Yeah , this isn't the only tent" Nikki said
"Okay" J.T said
Mario's POV
I held Jessie up as we walked threw.We made it to the tents.We headed into the tent.
"OMG ITS A MIRACLE" !! Jessie screams
Me and Jessie hugged our cousins tightly.
"We are so happy your alive and well" !
"We can say the same thing"!! Mateo said
"Can someone help our cousin, her leg is cut really bad" !
A few nurses rushed to help her, she was put on a stretcher and immediately treated with medication and bandages.She was screaming and wincing up.I held her hand the entire time,
"It's gonna be okay cousin, I'm here"
"Thank you...ahhhh" !!
"It's okay it's okay, this will be over soon"
I glared at everybody.I was so happy for everyone , but also very sad.
"J.T" !
I hear a familiar voice.I turned around.
"Anaya" !!!
She was in a wheel chair, she rolls towards me.I leaned down to hug her , we kissed with passion.
"What happened to you? Why are you in a wheel chair"??
"I hurt my side, it's hard to walk"
"Oh my poor baby girl"
"Are you okay" ??
"Yes baby I'm okay, I'm just happy your alive"
"I'm so happy your alive J.T baby"
I kissed and hugged her again.
"Awwwww we are so happy for you man" Mario said
"I'm happy for you too" !
We hugged and dapped.
Mario's POV
Jessie leg was bandaged and she was given meds for the pain.She was gonna be okay.I had used someones phone, and I got in contact with my rich best friend to send out a rescue plane for us.

In like two hours the plane was landing.The nurses helped us on.J.T and his girlfriend was coming with us too.Because come to find out they from New Jersey too.Everybody got comfortable and buckled in and we took off.Everybody was chatting and laughing.We was given some hot food and drinks.I was sitting by Jessie.I glanced over at her with a big smile.
"I'm so happy our family is alive"
"Me too Mario" she says softly
"I don't wanna come to Hawaii ever again"
"Hell no" she says
She holds my hand,I smiled and laid my head on the window and watched the clouds.


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