chapter 14

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Lisa and Chaeyoung finished writing down their date plans as a joke. Or what Lisa thought was a joke. She didn't really have any intentions of doing all of that stuff. It was dumb. She was being silly. But Chaeyoung was going to make it a reality. She thought it would be cute. After all, they had listed all of those things together. And she knew Lisa well enough to know that some part of her actually wanted to do every single one of those activities.

The following week of school passed by in a blur. Nothing of importance had happened. Chaeyoung's comfortability with Lisa in public had increased infinitely. Where she used to be too nervous to merely hold her hand, she was now brazenly claiming her girl. They kissed anywhere they felt the urge. In the hallways, in class, at lunch, everywhere. They weren't restricted to their homes. They weren't confined to the stairwell. Lisa and Chaeyoung did whatever they wanted, wherever they pleased.

Their friends had been egging them on as well. Apparently, Jisoo's nickname for the two had caught on. Jennie and Somi had caught themselves referring to the couple as "Chaelisa" more than once. What started off as a mockery soon became a part of heir vocabularies. They just kind of accepted it. And Jisoo basked in all of her glory for starting it.

On Friday, after the final bell, Jennie, Jisoo, and Somi were exiting their classes. The trio always seemed to meet at the same intersection. And they luckily had lockers not too far from each other. There were about two or three people in between each of their lockers, but they were relatively close nonetheless. The girls all entered their combinations, missing the presence of Lisa and Chaeyoung.

It wasn't hard to guess where they were. And their suspicions were confirmed when they looked over at Chaeyoung's locker, which was the only one further down the hall. The two were lazily kissing against the lockers, regardless of their surroundings. People around them were trying to go to their lockers and head on home, but Lisa and Chaeyoung served as their obstacles. Jisoo thought it was kind of inconsiderate, but she shrugged it off. If Lisa was happy now, then so be it. At least their secretive days were over.

"Okay," Jisoo called out to them, disrupting their little session. A crumpled up paper ball fell out of her cluttered locker, and she chucked it at them.

Lisa pulled back and frowned in Jisoo's direction. "Do you mind?" she giggled.

"Do you mind?" Jisoo countered, gesturing to the people standing patiently behind them.

"Hmm, nope. Chaeyoung, baby, do you mind?" Lisa smirked at the girl that was up against the lockers.

"Lili," Chaeyoung laughed as she pushed her back gently. "Jisoo's right. We're being obnoxious..."

"Yeah," Jisoo seconded, although she didn't recall saying those words.

"Fine," Lisa sighed and let Chaeyoung push her away. The kids standing behind them quickly shuffled over and were gone in a minute. Chaeyoung took it upon herself to visit her own locker. When she got her book bag, she intertwined her fingers with Lisa's once more.

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Don't be that couple."

"What couple?" Chaeyoung laughed.

"The one that's fucking PDA crazy," Jisoo scoffed as they walked over to Lisa's locker.

"We're not," Lisa disagreed. She put in her combination incorrectly twice before successfully opening it. Chaeyoung posed as a distraction, even when she wasn't doing anything.

"Sure," Jennie interjected as she appeared beside them.

"I think it's cute," Somi shrugged.

"Yeah.. You guys are just mad you're not getting any action," Lisa smirked before pulling Chaeyoung into another kiss.

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