Cute Trevor Douglas Imagine

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(Y/n's pov)

It's just a plain ole' summer day, and i'm lounging around in my backyard. The skies are clear, and it's a sunny and warm in the Texas air. I'm lay down on the lounge chair, with my ear buds in, and my shades on. I'm listening to some Ed Sheeran when it gets dark. I pause my music, take out my headphones and take off my shades. "Boo!!"A familiar voice screams in my ear. me, being the jumpy person i am, i freak out. "Hey yn, sup?"He greets.

"Trevor!! you're such a jerk, you scared the shiz out of me!"I scream,placing my hand over my heart. "ha ha. Oh...Sorry about that, love. so, whatcha doing?"Trevor says,laughing. His laugh, the laugh that makes my heart race. I finally realize that i've been silently staring for some minutes. "Nothing really! just laying around tanning. what about you?"I ask,looking down at my feet. "Well, I have an audition coming up soon!"Trevor says,trailing off. A large,goofy smile pops up on my face. "Trev, that's amazing! what's the audition for?"I reply,with an enthusiastic smile.

"Uh, for season 14 of American Idol!"Trevor shyly answers. "Omg, Trevor! that's amazing. from Booker T. To AI, My best friend is gonna be a star! I'm proud of you, Trev!"I smile,kissing his cheek. "Thanks, Y/n! I'm so glad to know that I have your support! And, uh i was wondering if you wanted to come with me to my audition?"he asks,scratching his neck. "I'd love to Trevor! you're gonna get that golden ticket, I just know it!"I smile,bringing my arms up around him. Trev hugs back, and his hands go to my waist. An immediate blush creeps upon my face. Trevor lets go, and we spend the rest of the day, just hanging out and doing what we normally do when we're with each other.

*Day Of The Audition* (Trevor's pov)

Today's the day that could make or break my future. today i audition for American Idol. As a 16 year old, this audition is super important. American Idol has been a dream of mine for as long as i can remember. Music is a dream, a passion of mine. And if not music, then science. I'm so glad that Y/n is coming with me to the audition. I've been crushing on her for the longest time...but if i told her, our relationship as it is would be in jeopardy. And i'm pretty sure that my audition isn't helping my case.

I pull up in front of Y/n's house and shoot her a text. I see her run out the door, and bound down the steps. I get out of the car, and go to greet her. "Hey Y/n! you look beautiful."I say,opening my arms. she wraps her arms around my neck. My arms go to her waist and i inhale her scent. "Hey Trev! how's my superstar been?"she says,with that cute smile of hers. "Good, slightly nervous."I laugh. "Well, don't be, Trev! you are so talented, and i know that the judges see it as well!"Y/n smiles. "See, this is what i love about you. you're like my own personal ball of sunshine. Thanks, Love!"I say,with a big grin on my face.

"Hey, Trevor Douglas? May we film you and your audition?"A producer from the show asks. "Um, sure!"I reply. I look over at Y/n, and she shoots me a thumbs up. "So, tell us a little bit about yourself."A producer says. "My name's Trevor Douglas. I'm 16 years old, and I'm from Fort Worth Texas. I get a lot of chances to preform my music in street corners. Most gigs aren't really paying gigs in this age. I'll go after a big act is played at some venue."I Introduce. I talk about music, math, and how if music doesn't work, I want to be like the next Bill Nye. Y/n silently giggles and shakes her head. I make a face at her, and her giggles increase in volume.

Ryan walks over to us, with a smile, "Trevor. So how ya doing?". "Good. Just relaxin', tryin' not to get too crazy."Trevor replies, trying to be cool. "That's good. you wanna stay cool. So, Who'd you bring with you today?"Ryan asks,eyes looking to Y/n. "Some family and friends. the people who mean the most to me."i reply. It's about time for my audition. Just before I head into the chamber, Y/n gives me some words of encouragement. "You've got this, Trev! you're amazing and talented. I believe in you. And remember, I love you."Y/n shyly replies. I respond by bringing her into my arms, and we stay that way for some time.

(Y/n's pov)

Trevor goes into the chamber, and we wait outside. Ryan and the camera crew waltz over towards us. "So you guys must be proud of Trevor."Ryan states. "Oh, we're so proud of our baby boy. Music has always played a role in his life."Trevor's mom replies. "And you must be the girlfriend!"Ryan jokes,with his smile. Trev's parents look at me. "Oh no, we're best friends."I reply,with a small smile. when really i wanted to say,"Well,I love him. So yes,we are.". "Really? if I didn't know any better, I'd say you two were a couple!"Ryan smirks. We watch on the screen, as Trevor is auditioning for the judges.

Trevor's voice just transports me to another world. every time I hear him sing, I fall more in love. I hope Trevor makes it through, and goes far, but at the same time i don't want him to leave. I'd miss my best friend tons, but i'd never forgive myself if i got in the way of Trevor's dream. Trev auditioned with Ed Sheeran's "Sing". We watch the judges give their commentary. Now it's time for the final vote. I bite my lip, and nervously await the results of Trevor's idol auditions. The door to the chamber opens, and i spot Trevor. I already can tell that he made it, but i know what his next move will be. "There's a lot of really good, talented people,"He pauses. "And I'm one of them! I'm going to Hollywood!"Trevor finishes. He looks me in the eyes, and makes his way over to me. I shyly smile at him. "You did it, Trev! I'm so proud of you!"I beam. "I couldn't have done it without you! guess you're my good luck charm, Y/n!"He replies,bringing me into his arms. Next thing I know, He crashes his lips into mine. a kiss so full of love and passion.

Hey guys!! Hope you like this imagine!! Trevor Douglas is bae!! and if you haven't seen his american idol audition or any youtube videos, go watch them! Oh, and Vote for him this season!! Love my fellow, #Dougies!! Also, comment if you want me to turn this into a fan fic! I'm kinda thinking about doing that!! 

Jessica Nicole Lloyd

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