Jack Avery Cute/Dirty Imagine

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Hey Guys!! It's Jessica!! It's Christmas Eve here in Utah! (this imagine is being written at 10 PM Mountain Time) To all my American followers, Happy Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas! I'm so grateful to all of you lovelies for the support you've given me over the years! Writing is something that i genuinely love to do, and it makes me so happy to see how much you guys like my books! This imagine is probably s**t! But i really wanted to get something up for you guys to celebrate the holiday! Anyways, here is a special imagine for you guys! 

(Y/N =Your Name) 

(Y/N's Pov) 

The day starts out like any other. You wake up, go through your typical morning routine, and soon enough you look descent enough to be seen in public. You feel excited to go on a vacation. School and work has been absolutely chaotic, so even a small break in California is greatly appreciated. You are going out to L.A. to visit a friend and fellow YouTuber, Logan Paul. Your flight is scheduled for noon, and it's only 6:50 A.M. So you decide to take your time to slowly prepare and make sure everything is good before you leave. 

You look at the clock and see that it's 9:30 now. So you catch an uber and head to the airport. After getting through security, you get something to eat, and hangout at that restaurant till it's close to boarding time. During your wait, you FaceTime with Logan. You talk about life, youtube... and you confirm your arrival time and plans with him. 

An hour and a half later, you land in Los Angeles. You exit the plane and grab all your things from the baggage claim. And then proceed to find Logan. Not surprisingly, you find him goofing off and getting a bit flirty with some Logangsters. "Hey Logan! You gud bro, do you need the survey?"You yell, being obnoxiously loud. He looks all over the place, trying to find the person who said that. Soon enough, his eyes land on you, and a cheesy smile comes across his face. 

"Ay, thass muh gurl. Sup Y/N?"Logan says, hugging you. He hugs you so tightly that you can't breathe. He says this while vlogging. "I can't breathe Logan."You tell him, wheezing. He lets go and hands the camera over to Brendan. "Yo, what's poppin' Logang! It's ya boi Logan Paul! I just picked up my friend Y/N from the airport! And now we're gonna go chill!"Logan says, putting an arm around your waist. He and Brendan grab your bags, and then you walk out to the yeti. They get your stuff into the trunk, and then you guys are on the road, heading to Logan's place. 

"Well Y/N, welcome to my humble abode."Logan says, holding a plate. "Woah, where did you get a— the plate from?! Logan, don't you d—" As soon as you say that, Logan breaks the plate on the floor. The sound noise makes you jump. "Aaah! Damnit Logan! Can you just not break a plate for once?!"You scream. "Sorry Y/N! I gotta do it! I'm a savage!"Logan screams. "Oh, and Y/N... we gotta go soon! I want to introduce you to some friends of mine. So get ready, and try to look more presentable."He says. "Uh, what's wrong with what i'm wearing?!!"You scoff. "Come on Y/N, you're a wreck... you look like you've just gotten out of bed."Logan says, gesturing to your outfit. 

*Skip Car Ride* 

You guys arrive at the Why Don't We Boys house. You get out of the car, and just before heading inside, Logan tells you how he is going to surprise them. He tells you to be sneaky. "Why?"You ask, confused as to what's going on. "It's just this thing we do! Don't worry about it!"He rants. So you sneak inside with Logan right behind you. "Walk into the living room. Act natural."He whispers. 

Walking into this living room, you are faced with 5 very confused faces. "Who are you?"A guy with curly hair asks. Logan then bursts into the room, making a gun sign with his fingers. He points at each guy, and they fall dramatically. Logan and the boys exchange real greetings and then he remembers that you're there. "Hey Bros, this is my friend Y/N! She's staying here at my place for a few weeks while she's off from school."Logan says, gesturing to you. 

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