Chapter 12

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"Happy Bullet Trigger!!"

Dozens of Digimon screamed as they were being deleted by a raging bullet that spiraled towards them.

Kidd put away his gun as he panted "Think that's the last of 'em...for now.."

"They're coming in smaller groups.." noted Starr, in the same exhausted state as Kidd.

"Must be tryin t' focus on th' Lords." he huffed with a frown, a single fang sticking out.

The metal dragon behind them growled. Guns stuck out of the Digimon in every which way on the enormous dragon creature--leading to his nickname 'Guns'.

Kidd looked up at him and then over to where his friend was growling; leading him to growl as well. Even more troops were coming.

"Damn it.." The blonde muttered, "Kidd we should get outta here!"

"Hell no!" Kidd then smirked "I'm just warmin up." he twirled a gun in his hand until holding it tightly in his hands.

She glared at him then huffed "Jackass..."

Kidd just chuckled "One for all?"

Starr rolled her eyes "And one for all..."

The dragon roared in response.

"Just what I thought!" Kidd tipped down his hat and took a sniff, a familiar scent that instantly put him at ease. And with that, the three were off once more.


Haruko starred down, a contorted face of nervousness and trying to keep a fake smile across her face.

Yellow eyes looked up at her, then tilting it's head. The grey like dragon looked at her confusingly, though its tail swayed side to side.

Mordred cleared his throat as he stepped to the side "Haruko...this is my partner, Bitemon. Bitemon, this is my real good friend Haruko that I told you about."

The dinosaur creature blinked and smiled "Hi!" He spoke a low, yet still cute voice. The creature was grey with a red under belly. Various radiation symbols were placed on its body with the upper left one green. He stood tall, about to where Mordred's middle is. The creature named Bitemon extended its black clawed hand, hinting to shake hands.

Haruko blinked and slowly extended both hands, placing one on his palm and the other on the top "N-Nice to meet you.." She smiled slightly.

Mordred sighed with relief. It was already going better than with his mom. "Um..." he looked around, looking for something to talk about "Well um... the bathroom is do--"

"I know where it is..." Haruko head hung low, remembering how she lost this very same apartment room.

"Oh...right." Mordred sweat dropped nervously.

An awkward feeling settled itself in the room, leading Bitemon to look around curiously.


The three bandits collapsed--Guns curling up in a ball, Starr sitting on the bottom of a tree that wasn't caught in the crossfire, and Kidd standing up, leaning against the same tree.

"Never thought those freaks would stop..."

Kidd nodded then smirked "Hey, we won!"

The other two lifted their heads to glare daggers at their dimwitted partner. To which he shrugged.

"Well if we're done here, I'm goin--"

"Back to your human pet." Starr said as she stood up. she smirked slyly "If I didn't know any better, I say you were tamed."

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