Chapter 8

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The next day, Haruko sat in the living room of Kidd's home. Kidd was in the back, secretly tending to his arsenal that he refused to let Haruko know about. Haruko had just finished cleaning and plopped on the couch with a big huff.

It's been about a week since I started living here...his habits are pretty easy to pick up...and cleaning this place is easy... She thought to herself.

She still barely knows anything about him... She's not aloud in his room and when they're not sleeping or at the bar, he's out. I wonder what he--

A loud snap came from the door.

Haruko jumped and looked over as the door opened, the door knob now yanked out from the door. She quickly got to her feet "Kidd!"

With no warning, let alone a welcome, a tall blond woman stepped into the room. She wore revealing black tights with a cape and a purple mask that covered only the top part of her face. Her eyes were bright pink, all three of them as the third one was placed on her forehead with a gap in the mask to allow it to 'see'. The tall woman looked around annoyed, her pink lips in a frown.

Haruko backed up quietly, fear shooting through her as she saw the many guns that were in her jacket like cape.


The mystery woman looked over towards the hallway opening to see a confused Kidd with one fang pointing out of his mouth. She then smirked "so this is where you've been hiding?" Her voice was smooth like silk, almost seductive.

Haruko looked at Kidd and the now named stranger confusingly "uh..."

Kidd then smirked and shrugged his arms "Ah Ya caught me."

Starr walked over towards him and hit him in the arm, friend-like "It's rude to make a woman hunt you down."

"Oh? Is that what yer callin yerself, now? Here I am still calling you a witch." He smiled a full grin, actually rubbing his arm where she hit him.

Haruko was utterly confused, but relaxed only slightly, they're friends.

Kidd looked over towards the entrance to his home to see the door knob missing "Ya really had t' do that?" He frowned in a sarcastic manner

"Had to make sure you wouldn't shut the door on me." She smirked slyly, flipping her hair up to hit him in the face as she turned to sit on the couch. She only glanced at Haruko, but in that glance she was looking down at her as an owner to a dog.

Haruko flinched back and stared at her as she plopped down on the couch. For Haruko, the tension did not break until Kidd spoke,

"Aw, I thought Ya got use to doors being closed on ya." He smirked as he took a step over to her, finally acknowledging the very confused Haruko with a glance. He then turned to her and said "Oi...imma need ya to scram." he said, pointing with his thumb to the door.

Haruko blinked and looked towards Starr and back to him "but...why?"

"I'll explain it later." he then looked down at her seriously, a cold vacant look in his eyes. He loomed over her as he stared.

A chill went through Haruko, his cold stare still terrifying... She then gulped audibly and nodded slowly. He stepped back and nodded and gestures his head to the door, telling her to leave. She furrowed her eyes together And slowly walked over towards the now broken door, a chill catching her as she shivered--even she could feel the powerful tension in the room. She slowly pushed the door open, hesitating only for a second, and continued out the door.

"Nice pet." Starr commented when she left with a smirk. She kicked her legs up and slammed them on the coffee table, having her arms draped over the couch--similar to how Kidd does when he comes home.

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