WHOA- who's this BABE your with SjOeRd??

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(Suprise! apparently wattpad decided to suck dick and deleted about three quarters of this chapter. some of yall missed some very romantic and deep stuff! ) 

I gazed at the building. My new home... I was a bit scared but didn't show it.

"Go inside" Wopke Hoekstra pushed me. I glared to intimidate the man.

The inside was just as big and expensive as the outside. "OMG" I thought. Everything was very white with glass and green plants. It looked very nice.

(AN: imagine this but more plants: )

(AN: imagine this but more plants: )

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"Stop looking so shocked." demanded Sjoerd Sjoerdsma. 

"YEah. first you gotta see the boss" added Wopke Hoekstra as he covered up his receding hairline with his fringe, "he wants to speak with you."

"O- Okay...." I stammered. they led me to this long hallway and pushed me in.

I started through the hallway. my legs were shaking because I was scared. But I knew that normal adult men would me much more scared. so that calmed me down a bit.

 I came to the end of the hallway and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard an attractive and hot voice say.

shakingly i opened the door. the room was a bit darker than the other rooms, but even more filled with plants. the mafia must really care about the environment...

In the middle of the room stood a man in a black turtleneck and a black jacket. His hair was curly and dark brown. he was so hot as he watered one of the plants with almond milk.

He looked up. shocked to see me.

"O- Oh I'm sorry" I stammered.

He laughed hotly. "Ha ha, its okay, Rob."

I gasped: 'How did he know my name??'

He probably saw my confusion: "I own you now Rob, I bought you from your mother."

'Oh yeah i almost forgot about that bitch.' i thought.

"Who- who are you, what will you do with me?" I asked.

His dark brown orbs locked with mine. they looked like they held the galaxy itself in them. (AN: HIs eyes are really hot uwu) "I'm Jesse Klaver, The dutch Mafia boss, and call me sir." he demanded.

"O-Okey.." I said. "What will you do with me s-sir??";

he laughed even more hotter now. Like the sun. "I like you Rob, so I won't kill you. you will be my boyfriend. You can call me Jesse now." he said with a sweet smile.

"Wha!?" i gasped. very confused. Jesse Klaver ignored me and snapped his fingers. immediately two men came in and bowed for him. One i recoginsed as Sjoerd SJoerdsma from before. I had to admit I found his position of power very hot. almost like he had a god complex. (AN: i have a god complex so i know what I'm talking about (I don't.))

"How can we help you Jesse Klaver, sir?" Asked the man i didn't know.

"Gert-Jan Segers, get my new boyfriend a better suit." I blushed as he called me his boyfriend. even as i didn't like him. 

"Alright sir." Gert-jan Segers walked away and signalled for me to follow. so i did.

As i walked away i heard Jesse say something to Sjoerd: 

"Sjoerd, how come you didn't tell me the politician i bought was such a major fucking babe??"

AN: Im in physical fucking pain.

But i KNOW you didn't wish to miss out on this sweet drama, innit??

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