Sick Mafia mission. (WOw the dUtch maFia is so intense)

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(I had to check if the dutch mafia even existed. it does. but there's mostly just cocaine, XTC and weed, so perfect for our 420 weed king Jesse. Unfortunately, they don't buy politicians with Heineken... a missed opportunity really :/  /j)

(Me, opening Wattpad for the third time in three days: "Time to release my inner 11 y/o, write as many adjectives as possible, sudden mood swings and a weird, uncalled for love-triangle.")

I was gently taken downstairs by Gert-Jan Segers. I didn't know why I needed to get new clothes.. i was pretty proud of my clean suit. but I guess I needed to make my new boyfriend happy.

We were in the basement. the walls were covered with chic suits made by the most expensive companies. As a normal politician I only ever saw these in Vogue. 

"Wow!" I exclaimingly exclaimed. "Is that Gucci??" I pointed at a expensive-looking three-piece suit in a uniform navy colour. with a soft pattern of flowers in a darker taint. 

Gert-Jan Segers nodded. "you want that? you can have it."

I blushed gracefully. "o-okay, Thank you" i said. as i took the suit of the hanger.

I walked towards the dressing room and put the new suit on. It looked perfectly tailored on my slender body. I released a breath i didn't know i was holding as i glanced in the mirror. damn i looked fresh.

"You look beautiful." said a voice behind me. I gasped. there stood the Curly-haired man. with a slight blush on his blemishless cheeks. a small smile graced his lips before he shook his head and replaced it with the cold look he always wore. 

"..." I ignored him. but was secretly touched by his compliment.

We locked eyes. i felt warm.

SUddenly the door slammed open, there stood Sjoerd Sjoerdsma. I subtly noticed how Jesse protectively stepped in front of me. even when there was no real danger.

"S-sir!" he gasped, clearly out of breath. "They want to fight!" 

I was confused, but everyone else seemed to understand what they meant. "Who are 'They'?" i asked. but no-one answered. 

"Don't worry Rob" said Jesse, but he looked worried and it didn't calm me down at all.

Gert-Jan Segers ran towards a cabinet i hadn't noticed before and opened it. It was filled with all types of guns and other weapons. The other guys all grabbed two guns and boxes of bullets.

"What is happening?" I asked, not scared at all. 

"A dangerous mission. So you can't come." 

"No!" I yelled, "This is my home too, i will help you guys!" 

They all looked at each other. Jesse Klaver looked very serious with his dark, mysterious eyes. but nodded. "Ok.. but you need to be able to protect yourself."

I huffed as i put my arms over each other, looking offended. "of course i know how to protect myself! I'm not Helpless!" 

The men all looked confused as i confidently walked towards the weapon cabinet and took out a sword. 

"are you sure about that Rob? that's a hard thing to handle..." Jesse sounded concerned.

"of course i know how to fight with a sword!" I did... my grandma had thaught me sword fighting in secret. she knew how to do that because she fought in the tragic Swedish wars. but she had tragically and mysteriously died, adding to my tragic backstory.

"if your certain.." said the man.

We all ran to the cars outside. Wopke Hoekstra was there already, holding a small wooden briefcase with the text "Derde Dinsdag in September " on it. I looked confused. he saw my confusion. "It is filled with grenades to blow up the monarchy." i nodded.

We got into the car.  I sat in the middle, Jesse sat in the seat next to me. Gert-Jan on my other side. Sjoerd and Wopke sat in the front.

We drove to an empty warehouse.

"don't be scared." whispered Jesse in my ear "I won't let them hurt you."

I huffed. "I don't need to be protected by you."

we walked in, inside stood four men. I gasped. I recognised them from the popular Dutch news show: 'Opsporing Vezocht' I knew they were from a very dangerous gang: The Liberals..."

"Well well well" said a tall man i recognised as Mark Rutte, a very wealthy man who only cared about money and driving fast cars. "Look who we have here: Jesse Klaver." 

"shut up, Mark! What do you want from us!?" 

Mark Rutte laughed and looked me in the eyes. "I heard you have a new pet... And i want him." 

"I won't let you take him!" Jesse sounded very angry. I took out my sword and got into a ready stance.

"We'll see about that, Yassur Feras." yelled a man behind Mark Rutte, who i knew was Geert Wilders.

They wipped out their guns. and started running towards us...

(OOOOOhhhh cliffhangerrrr, What's gonna happen neeeext??)

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