Leviathan (SFW)

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• Honestly he probably smells like any clothing store/a shopping mall (that new clothes smell if you know what I mean)

Staying up late into the morning playing all sorts of games together
   - Enjoys playing (VR) horror with you, makes fun of you for getting scared and then ends up screaming himself

• Jamming out to game ost/soundtracks and anime ops together; karaoke
- Aggressive head bopping when the beat drops

• "Y/N look at the joystick covers I bought, aren't they cool?" "Y/N!! *charges towards you* [video game series] just came out! Come on let's go try it out!!"

• Offers to cuddle and watch anime or play video games with you whenever you're feeling down
- Doesn't like to see you upset; it makes him sad too

• Introducing one another to new anime
- "Have you heard of [anime]?"
- Friendly rival of who's already watched what

• Flexing anime merch and figurines to one another

• Sending each other memes
- And having lots of inside jokes with one another

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