Satan (SFW)

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• Smells just like books/ paper; a library

• Forehead and cheek kisses from him

• Likes comparing your hands to his, he likes how small and dainty yours looks to his

• Late night studying/ reading in the dim lit library with him
- Working across from each other at a table in the library
- Sometime will go and make tea for the two of you
- It's quiet but not awkward silence between you two. Occasionally you may strike up a little conversation with each other and then get back to whatever you were doing, but it's always comfortable silence


~ One night, for whatever reason, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. After about an hour or so of trying to go back to bed, you decided it was no use and figured you'd take a little walk around the House of Lamentation until you felt drowsy again. While walking down the corridor by the music room/library, you heard the faint sound of the piano. You head to the door, and crack it ever so quietly to see Satan at the piano, softly singing "Symphony" by Cody Fry. You quietly step into the room and lean against the cold stone wall at the entrance, a smile spreading across your face as you listen to Satan singing like an angel. And on the last words, "And now I hear, a symphony," he strikes the final chords and turns back to meet your gaze, smiling ear to ear as his eyes glisten with happiness.

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