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|| Old, Bearded Man and His Kidnapped Children ||


"You're a lie and I'm the truth."

The riddle is difficult to unravel; But here's how it goes.
Life is a beautiful lie - we are living a lie that everyone chooses to believe. Death is the evil truth that us humans refuse to accept. Death is the only truth in this world, even in many realities and dimensions. People live believing in life to cope with the raw truth of death. We ignore the truth and live the lie. At the end of the day, guilt and realisation will hit you like a truck and you won't even expect it.

As Astra walked around the room, she saw the same replica of the glass globe that she noticed on the desk earlier; From the opposite side of the glass, it magnified its surroundings, making it more bigger and life sized. Astra carefully picked up the glass globe with her tanned hand, lifted it up as cautiously as she could so it wouldn't break. She twisted her wrist, making the globe turn around as she examined it.

"ASTRA!" Someone shouted in her ear, suddenly, making the glass globe from Astra's hand fall. Astra's eyes widened and she gasped, while the voice behind her laughed loudly the moment she flinched in surprise.

Just in time, when the globe was an inch away from breaking on the ground, Astra lifted up her hand taking out her palm as she faced it towards the floor - a light blue glow emitted from her palm while it was also surrounding the globe. Streaks of blue light circled around the glass; Astra lifted up her arm slightly as the globe quickly followed Astra's actions.

When the globe was placed back from where it was sat, Astra immediately turned around to see Oaklynn laughing hysterically, visible tears were edging to roll down her cheek and her face was bright red from the hysterical laughter.

Astra was fuming with annoyance as she curled her hands into a fist. A lavender glow suddenly trailed up from her hands to her temples; The light glow was spreading everywhere on her figure, turning her eyes into a deep, dark red - the light was radiating the room making Oaklynn squint while the others turned their heads to see what was happening.

Astra closed her eyes, with her hands still in a fist; Her long fingernails were digging into the surface of her palm as she squeezed it hard every second. Her dark vision was immediately replaced with a white flashing light making her very faint once again. Her veins, where blood rushed up to her head, glowed more and more as her entire body was emitting more light. She was suddenly lifted off the ground, her body floating in the air, a few metres off the ground. Her body was slowly spinning around as even more light was emitting from her body, blinding everyone else in the room.

All of a sudden, her body crashed down to the ground and darkness consumed her consciousness.

7th December 1979 || Malfoy Manor

"Cissy," A sudden voice echoed throughout the room as the scene faded into vision, "Do you think this is a good idea?"

The figure's hair was curly black with white streaks of hair standing out, her skin was pale and a tad bit wrinkly. Astra recognised her from her other recent flashback that she just had. She knew who she was but the only problem was that she didn't remember her name.

"Bellatrix, you don't understand!" Cissy hushed as she held a wooden stick in her right hand while she held an unfamiliar looking pendant in her left hand, "We are risking the poor girl's life! I know that the dark lord has some good plans in the future, but risking a little girl's life just for power seems too crazy!"

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