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chapter two
american dream
So, it turns out that one cannot simply book a flight from Toronto to Sannoh. Planes didn't directly fly there.
I would have to fly to Tokyo, then get on a much smaller plane and fly to somewhere known as the "W District" and walk to Sannoh from there.
And it was seriously going to cost me.
I stared at the yellow leave form in front of me. The next flight I could catch out to Tokyo was about four days from now, no way that Judge Cheng would go for it. I was her best clerk: she needed me. The plane tickets were still loaded on my computer screen. Taunting me. The answers were within my reach, but still so far away.
"Hey, Wagner!" A voice called from behind the table. "Do you have the jury lists for voir dire this morning? I think my desk ate mine."
I chuckled, moving my stocking-covered feet from on top of the stack of papers on my desk before turning to look at Kiana Shepherd, her elegant black braids falling down her shoulders.
"I really need to clean out my desk." She said, gesturing the the barely noticeable metal desk buried under stacks of papers and folders
"Kie, you're a wreck." I chuckled, pulling out an extra copy for the jury lists in connection with a homicide case Judge Cheng was trying later this week. Kiana always got the juicy cases, whereas I found myself often taking the more amusing ones, such as the drunk and disorderlies and the divorces. But I couldn't resist the occasional murder trial myself.
She chuckled before nodding at my computer screen. "Going somewhere?"
I turned to look at the screen. "My stepdad's hometown. But I doubt I'll be able to get the time off." I flopped dejectedly back into the spinning desk chair. "I just got back from bereavement leave and now I'm asking fro time so I can go to Japan and hunt down some people who might know about Yuki's past life? I'd sound crazy."
I swiveled around in the leather chair, reaching for my pink wireless mouse "Check this out." I clicked around a few times, a large color-coded map popping up on my screen. "The area where he lived, the entire District is broken up into five territories. There's the two main townships, Sannoh and Oya, and then there's this place called the Nameless City and two other territories referred to as 'W' and 'D'. Each area is controlled by one organization, which makes up an acronym that people commonly use to refer to the area." I clicked to another tab. "It's called the S.W.O.R.D District. Sannoh and Oya are pretty self-explanatory, but the Namelss City is controlled by the Rude Boys, the 'W' District is the White Rascals and the 'D' is for Daruma Ikka."
Kiana looked at the computer screen, confusion etched on her face. "I don't get it."
"The area wasn't broken up like this when Yuki lived there. From what I've read, this motorcycle club he used to be a part of was mainly responsible fro keeping the peace. All of this happened about six years ago, after one of the leaders of Mugen died, which is why Yuki went back."