Chapter 9

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I got home a little later than I normally would.

The talk that Nathan and I were having in his car ended early, and I was glad that it did. He was beginning to make me uncomfortable with the way that he spoke, the things he said. Especially the last thing he told me;

"Ask me, Dani. Ask me if speaking to you for the first time that day, in the hallway, was one of my deepest regrets."

Those words caused me to panic. Before I knew it, I was running across the parking lot and into the building to collect my items. But Nathan's voice remained planted in my head, and everything he said to me replayed itself multiple times.

I headed upstairs to my room and took a seat on the edge of my bed. I slipped off my sneakers and laid in bed, unable to think of anything interesting to do. Staring at the ceiling was the most enjoyable thing I did that day. It allowed me some time to recall about a number of things. Sadly, none of them were good enough to put a smile on my face.

The rest of the week was ordinary. I did, and heard, the same things every day.  Talk of Nathan and I continued to slide throughout the hallways and classrooms of school. Not only that, but I discovered that there was some breaking news to go along with it. Apparently, Nathan and I were seen kissing on the football field the day before.

Believe it or not, hearing that didn't anger me as much as I thought it would. I was pissed, don't get me wrong, but I found that ridiculous rumor to be more hilarious than anything that would make me want to punch a wall. The part where Nathan being caught kissing someone was probably true. Except, the girl he was with wasn't me, it was someone else. A new target, I supposed.

The thought of that made everything he said to me a few days back seem like nothing but lies. I can easily bet that he said the same exact things to every girl that he hooked up with. In the end, I couldn't help but wonder why karma hadn't followed him yet.

Friday was by far the worst day of the week. I had actually thought that things would calm down at least a little bit. Boy, was I wrong.

"So, is he a good kisser?"

"What's he like?"

"Has he taken you out on a romantic date yet?"

Questions were thrown at me from every side of the classrooms that I had been in. And they only increased as we were reaching the end of the day. You'd think that ignoring these people would get them to shut up, but that was far from happening. I was forced to endure their idiotic questions, even though they made my teeth grit and my nerves reach an immensely high level. 

Unfortunately, Nathan didn't show up to English. I wanted him to see the mess that he had made, but he was probably too busy doing business in the janitor's closet to care about cleaning any of it up.

The final bell, which concluded that week, finally rang. Before any more monsters could surround me, I grabbed Ramona's wrist and darted out of the class.

"Sorry you had to see that," I told her while speed walking toward my locker.

Taking my time wasn't an option for me. I had to grab my things and get out. No more, no less.

"What was all of that about? Danika, you better not keep quiet about this," she replied from behind me.

I looked back at her. "I'll explain later. Right now, I have to get out of here as fast as possible."

She didn't say anything after that. I could tell that she understood what I was trying to run away from. She helped me stuff my bag with some books I needed, and she even acted as a lookout. I wanted to make sure that no one was planning on approaching me. Nathan, in particular.

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