Chapter 1 : God of Light

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I won't bore you with the details of being in a womb for 9 months, I mostly slept through it all. Being born is also an intensely unpleasant experience. After everything was done though, I had my first glimpse of my parents. Or just one parent, I should say. My father seemed nowhere to be found, and my mother was holding me in some kind of slum-like area. Well that's okay. I'll try to make our lives better or something maybe.

As I started growing up, things were tough. My mother did not care about me, and in general just saw me as another burden. Eventually, she had enough and just abandoned me at the Domain of Light, which was the temple of the God of Light. I didn't expect to encounter a god so early on this journey of mine, but here we are.

She threw me into the Fountain of Life somehow. Isn't that literally how Salem became immortal in the main story? I didn't think immortality would be that easy to get for the people here. If anyone could just hop into the pool there should be way more immortals around. As I fell in though, I realized it was just some special magically charged water. I think it has the potential to do a lot, but doesn't actually do anything unless the God of Light wills it to. That makes a lot more sense to me.

Either way, at least I don't seem to drown in this water. So I just floated to the bottom. Since I was here, I figured maybe this water would be of use in the future. So I soul bound a bunch of it. Maybe it has healing properties or something, or maybe I can find ways to activate its immortality properties to give other people some form of immortality. Who knows. Eventually the God of Light picked me up and placed me outside the water.

"I see your mother has abandoned you here my child. What do you plan to do now?" He asked me with a kind voice. I mean, I was still like 4 years old. So it's not like I had a great deal of options.

"Not sure. But you wouldn't ask me if you didn't have an idea. What do you think I should do?" I asked him, curious about what he has to offer.

"Blake, it is not about what I think you should do. Choice is one of the most important gifts we gave to humanity. You must choose your own path. I can merely give you some options." He told me.

I knew there was no point in guessing why he knew my name, he was supposedly 'Omniscient' after all. Well more likely just very powerful and godlike, but I doubt he's truly omniscient. After all, he wouldn't know that I'm a reincarnated person. Or that I'm immortal.

"What are these options?" I asked him.

"You could leave, and make your own way. I will not prevent you from doing so. The other option is to perhaps become one of my followers. You would be raised by my many devotees, and learn my teachings alongside them." He told me.

It seemed like he wasn't exactly giving me a lot of options. I guess it's time to join his religion (read: cult).

"I guess I'll learn your teachings. Thank you." I said.

"You are quite welcome, my child." He answered.

So it turns out there's a bunch of people who live in a small settlement near the entrance to his domain. So that's where I was sent. There was a large orphanage here. It seems kids being thrown to this god was not an uncommon occurrence. And many of the devotees here took it as their duty to help prospective followers of the God of Light.

Every Sunday, we all made a trek up the stairs to the Domain of Light, and the God would preach on and on about the value of life, the balance, and more. He wanted people to be kind to each other, respect the gifts they've been given, and honestly I found myself not actually disliking this God as much as I thought I would. I know he can make dumb decisions, like how in the future he'll let his brother wipe out humanity because of one woman. But other than that he seems to actually be a genuinely good guy. I guess he acts much more human than he'd like us to believe.

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