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𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡

Zoia is now sitting at the great hall with her fellow Hufflepuffs. Monica who's sitting next to her is currently playing around with the spoon and fork at the table as the speech was extremely boring. Professor Umbridge's speech to be exact. She doesn't even know why Moody only stayed for a year, it was cool to be taught by a famous auror and now they're stuck with some ministry pink barbie doll.

"She's something else huh? Hurts my eyes to see her and her voice sounds like I'm scratching my plate with a fork," said Monica.

"I know. Who in the right mind would employ her," Zoia huffed.

"Dumbledore apparently," Monica shrugged.

From across the table she could see Harry Potter giving Cho Chang some lovey eyes, basically eye flirting. She looked down and ignored the pang in her chest.

"You need to move on from him. He's too in love with Cho Chang and I don't think they're breaking up soon," said Monica.

"I know," said Zoia.

Finally the feast was over and they all went to their dorm. It doesn't take long for Zoia to fall into deep slumber as her hobby's actually sleeping.

Her routine is pretty much the same at school though she never finds herself to get bored of it. What she loves about school the most is quidditch. Since third year she became the Hufflepuff's chaser and it was the best thing that's ever happened to her. Though last year due to the Triwizard Tournament, she didn't get to play quidditch so she's extremely pumped to play quidditch this year.

This year, Hufflepuff is finally getting the recognition they deserve with Cedric Diggory winning the Triwizard Tournament last year. Cedric has always been popular and well liked, this year people paid more attention to him. In Zoia's opinion, he's now in the same rank as Harry Potter.

"Look at all those girls trying to get pretty boy Diggory's attention," said Monica to her as they were eating their breakfast.

"Who wouldn't," said Zoia. "He has eternal glory."

Cedric and his friends then sat next to Zoia.

"Hey Zoia, Monica," Cedric greeted.

"Hey," both girls greeted him back.

"Zoia, we have quidditch practice this afternoon. Can you come?" asked Cedric.

"Yeah," she answered.

"Great, don't be late. We need to catch up after a year without quidditch," said Cedric.

"Yes sir," said Zoia.

Professor Sprout then handed them their schedule. She saw that she has Transfiguration and DADA with Gryffindor, Charms and History of Magic with Slytherin and Potions and herbology with Ravenclaw. She likes that Monica and her took the same electives; Divination, Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies.

"What a day. First day and we have Defense Against The Dark Arts with ugly barbie," Monica scoffed.

"I know right," Zoia groaned.

"Angelina is the new captain by the way. She couldn't stop talking about it during summer, I was this close into punching her," said Monica.

"Angelina Johnson is the new Gryffindor captain?" Cedric joined the conversation.

"Yeah," Monica answered.

"Don't worry Ced, we can do this," his friend encouraged him.

As both girls left the great hall, Monica suddenly panicked and said, "oh my god, I left my wand!"

"How could you forget your wand?!" Zoia groaned.

"Well sorry I'm a human and I can forget things Zoi," Monica rolled her eyes. "I'll meet you at the class, save me a seat!"

Zoia sighed and walked to the class alone. As she walked suddenly someone bumped into her from the side which made her groan.

"Merlin, I'm sorry!" said the boy.

"Oh yeah, it's fine," Zoia blushed when she realized it was The Boy Who Lived who bumped into her which reminded her of what happened in first year. They bumped into each other four years ago, exactly in this spot which Zoia bet he doesn't even remember.

Then they both walked side by side in silence which made the girl's stomach's flip.

"You're not following me are you?" he smirked at her.

"Of course not, I'm going to my class," said Zoia.

"What class do you have?"

"Defense Against The Dark Arts."

"Same!" he beamed.

"Well, yeah. . . I have been in your DADA class since first year," she chuckled.

"Oh really? Damn I'm sorry I didn't notice," said Harry. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter," he offered his hand.

"Oh er- I'm Zoia, Zoia Robinson," she shook his hand which gave her a tummy butterfly. His hand is soft and warm. She then pulled her hand right away and looked down so he couldn't see her cheeks flushed red.

"Well, see you around Zoia Robinson," said Harry as they entered the classroom and sat next to Ron Weasley.

Zoia then went and sat at an empty table and saved a seat for Monica. Zoia hid her face with her hands to hide her smile and flushed cheek. She felt her heart beating rapidly. She couldn't believe he finally noticed her.

"What's wrong with you?" said someone next to her, which made her jump a little bit.

"Nothing," she said looking at Monica with her red face.

"Merlin, what happened?" asked Monica curiously.

"Clay noticed me, Monica. I shook his hand and he knows my name now," said Zoia.

Clay is the nickname they made for Harry Potter since his surname is Potter. (Pottery, get it?)

"How?" asked Monica, intrigued.

"He bumped into me and we just talked all the way here," said Zoia dreamily.

"Good for you," Monica patted her back.

Then Monica looked sideways to see the Potter boy joking around with Ron, Seamus and Dean, laughing at God knows what.

"To be completely honest, Carrot is hotter," Monica whispered to her. Carrot is a nickname they made for Ron Weasley.

"Absolutely not! Clay's hotter, way hotter. He's like the hottest guy at school! Well maybe Diggory's slightly hotter than him but other than that he's totally the hottest," Zoia whispered back.

However their gossip was cut short with Umbridge entering the classroom and handing them the new textbook. Turns out they won't be doing anything practical even though it's their O.W.L. year.

The whole class was complaining about it however Harry Potter was the one who complained the most which earned him a detention. She could tell this year is going to be an interesting year.


[ ✎ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ɴᴏᴛᴇ ♡! ]

I couldn't help myself and really wanted to write this. The Harry pinning over one girl since first year is overdone so I want Harry to be a little bit of a player here lol (he's not a cheater though, Harry would never cheat on anyone 😠)

zoia, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now