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Not long after she got back to school, she saw a brochure about Apparition lessons so Zoia and Monica decided to sign themselves up. However, Zoia knows she wouldn't be able to take the test since her birthday is June twentieth.

Currently, Zoia is planning to surprise Monica tonight for her birthday with Padma. She knows Monica is not big on birthday, she always acts like it's any other day and doesn't want people to make a big deal out of it hence why Padma and Zoia are planning something simple.

"Hey guys," Ginny greeted Zoia and Padma who's currently sitting in the library. "Where's Monica? It's her birthday isn't it?" The redhead girl decided to sit next to Zoia.

"Well that's why Padma and I are here discussing what to do with her birthday. Monica is currently sleeping in her dorm by the way," Zoia answered.

"Wait, you guys haven't surprised her yet?" Ginny furrowed her eyebrows.

"No," Padma answered. "She doesn't want people to make a big deal out of her birthday and plus she's not a huge fan of having a birthday cake for her birthday."

"Hence why, we're giving her a bouquet of burgers and french fries!" Zoia beamed. "Padma and I have no idea how to make the bouquet, so some of the elves are making it now. Don't worry, I paid them."

"That's amazing Zoi!" said Ginny.

"Zoia, look at the time," Padma pointed at the clock.

"Oh my God! Sorry Ginny, we have an Apparition Class," said Zoia. "Meet us after our Apparition class in the kitchen."

"No worries, good luck guys!"

"I'll wake Monica up," said Padma.

When Zoia enters the hall, she sees some students from her year are already there.

"Zoia! Zoia! Here!" Hermione waved her hands at her.

"Hi guys," Zoia approached the trio.

"Hey Zo!"

"Hi Zoia!"

"I can't wait," Zoia jumped a little.

"I know right!" Hermione beamed. "Oh I can't wait to finally Apparate!"

"I can't take the test with you guys though," Zoia sighed sadly. "My birthday is not until June."

"Don't worry Zo, I won't be taking it either," Harry grinned at Zoia.


"I'll probably fail anyway," Ron huffed.

"Don't say that Ron, you will," Hermione encouraged him.

"I'm sure you'll pass but the good thing Ron if you fail, you can take it with Harry and me," said Zoia.

"Guess so," Ron mumbled.

"Good morning," said the Ministry wizard, when all the students had arrived and the Heads of Houses had called for quiet. "My name is Wilkie Twycross and I shall be your Ministry Apparition instructor for the next twelve weeks. I hope to be able to prepare you for your Apparition Tests at this time by which time, many of you may be ready to take your tests."

"The important things to remember when Apparating are the three D's!" said Twycross. "Destination, Determination, Deliberation!"

"Step one: Fix your mind firmly upon the desired destination," said Twycross. "In this case, the interior of your hoop. Kindly concentrate upon that destination now."

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