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𝙕𝙤𝙞𝙖 𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙨 𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩

"C'mon Zozo, you need to change your clothes, do you bring a change set of clothes?" he asked. They're currently at Harry's room.

"No," she mumbled.

"Okay, don't lay down on my bed first alright. Let me get you my clothes," he then made his way to his closet. He grabbed a black hoodie that's two sizes too big for her with matching tracksuit bottoms.

"Here," he handed her his clothes.

"Thanks," she said.

After she changed her clothes, she wasted no time plopping herself on Harry's bed. She got under his bed cover and wrapped herself.

"Is it warm enough for you? Do you want me to make the room warmer?" he asked as he sat next to her.

"Can you do that?" she asked.

"Of course I can," he smiled at her.

"Okay, I want that," she mumbled.

After he fixed his heater, he made his way to Zoia again.

"You really can't handle the cold weather do you?" he chuckled.

"No," she shook her head.

"I'm going to mum to ask something for you okay?"

"No, please, you don't have to, I'll get better by myself," she answered hastily.

"It's alright Zo, it won't take long okay," he said.

"I don't want to bother," she sighed guiltily. "God, stupid weak body!"

"You will never be a bother," he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Fine," she huffed.

Harry was downstairs for around ten minutes until he got back with a food tray. She sat up right away. He brought her a warm tomato soup and tea along with a potion.

"It'll keep you warm and after that drink the potion," he instructed.

"You are overreacting, I'll be fine," she huffed.

"I am not overreacting, you're not feeling well," he said sternly. Truthfully he felt partially guilty since he was the one who suggested playing outside.

Zoia just rolled her eyes and decided to eat the tomato soup.

"I made them," he suddenly said.

"Really?" she raised her eyebrows skeptically.

"Really," he grinned. "Mum made the tea though. Talking about tea, we all love the green tea you got us! It's finished already."

"Well I'm glad you all like it," she said.

"I also absolutely love the backpack you got me, it fits a lot!" he beamed.

"You look like Nobita when you wear that backpack," she chuckled.

"Who's Nobita?" he frowned.

"He's this cartoon character from a Japanese tv show called Doraemon, we should watch it sometimes," she suggested.

"We should," he smiled at her. "So any comments about the tomato soup? Does it taste good?"

"It's great," she beamed. "You're a great cook Har."

"Of course I am," he puffed out his chest.

Zoia just rolled her eyes and continued to eat her food.

zoia, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now