More Sunny angst but no pt. 2 bc idk :)

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[A/n pausing on the Omori shit for now, probably gonna continue it later or smth. Also this is an au obviously]

TW: suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, blood

This is a story, not rly them chatting or shit

3rd person pov
The darkness of the night made Sunny's room almost pitch black. The moon's light made his room slightly brighter than his room and house being completely black, not knowing whether not you knew where you were going.

Sunny remembered the ladder outside in his backyard that led up to the roof. It was on the wall of where the backyard door was, so no one saw the ladder from the front view of the house. Sunny went out of his room and through the doors of his house's back door. He was suprised the ladder wasn't removed, nor untouched, but he didn't mind it. He went up the ladder and laid his head on the roof of the house to take a good look at the stars.

After awhile, or what seemed like hours to Sunny, he got up from his position, went to as high as he could without breaking the roof, and seriously debated if he was going to jump. Even with Omori in his head, he still heard voices. Omori wasn't there this particular night and the voices were the loudest they had ever been since the last 4 years.

He heard footsteps nearby and thought it was just in his head. He stared down at the height of his house, which was around probably 15-25 ft tall, but he didn't know. All he could focus on was how loud the voices were. He felt someone or something tap his shoulder. He thought it was the hallucination of Mari he had made and ignored it. But when it grabbed him from behind and hugged him, he knew it wasn't just a hallucination. He turned around his body slightly to see Kel holding him tightly.

Sunny heard Kel saying, "please don't jump off. You know how sad we would be if you died... especially me...". He said "don't jump off" multiple times. Sunny kept listening as he felt his heart get heavier. Sunny started sobbing into Kel's arms and kept saying over and over again, "I'm sorry". Kel didn't want him to be sorry, for anything for that matter, but Sunny just kept repeating it, as if he didn't know how to say anything else.

They both head down the ladder and quietly walked back up the creaky staircase, hoping his mom wouldn't wake up, and walked through the doorway of Sunny's bedroom.

Sunny had forgotten to hide the knife he was "slicing" his arms with and the knife still had some blood on it. Kel had took notice of this, and told Sunny to show him other knives he had in his room.

Sunny tried lying that he only had 2 in his room and grabbed another knife hidden underneath his bed. Being the dumbass he is, Kel believed him. What he didn't know... Sunny really had 18 more knives in his room. Kel had a first aid kit and bandaged up Sunny's arms. Kel grabbed Sunny(they were on the floor), bridal style, and hugged him close while they were cuddling on the bed. Kel had good grip, so Sunny couldn't really move; he was only able to turn around to cling onto Kel.

One more thing about Sunny: he never told Kel he had debated jumping, including the time when he was in the hospital, about 50 times(holy crap Sunny are you okay???), almost stabbed himself 30 times(but then he would stop and go to bed), and almost hung himself with the jump rope him and Basil used to cover up Mari's death, but only once. So it means that Sunny attempted suicide about 81 times...

Morning came and Sunny was the first to be awake(also, Kel brought a hoodie with him last night). He went to put on some black sports shorts, white socks, a light blue t-shirt and on top of that, he put on Kel's orange and white hoodie. This is what his outfit looks like:

Little did Sunny know that a certain someone was watching him

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Little did Sunny know that a certain someone was watching him.

[A/n I'm stopping there for now. Might add a pt. 2 for this, but I'll call it smth else -w- sorry for not uploading for awhile. I just haven't had much motivation and I have had some missing assignments from school, been doing some drawing, paper and digitally. I actually made a drawing based from a scene you see in Omori, so I'll post that in the next part when I feel like bc I'm ✨L a z y✨ anyway have a good day sorry about the long a/n-]

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