ig Basil's getting a job now :/

449 6 4

3rd person pov
It was 9 am and Basil was wide awake getting dressed and making breakfast. Basil had a job interview at 9:45, so he wanted to get ready early so he would get there on time.

At 9:30, he left to Fix-it, a store next to Othermart. By the time he got there, it was 9:40. "Right on time" he mumbled to himself. He took a deep breath and walked through the door.

As soon as the employee saw him, he called for his manager to interview Basil. The manager came in and shook Basil's hand. "You must be Basil, correct?" Basil nodded. "I'm Keith, the manager"(I had no idea what to name him lmao). Basil showed a gentle smile and he was brought into a different room. Keith asked a few questions and Basil answered honestly.

After 30 minutes, Basil was sent off and was told when they would let him know whether not if he got the job. A few days later, Basil recieved an email telling him he got the job and he would start tomorrow. He told Polly with excitement and he told Polly he's going out for a bit.

Basil met up with Sunny at the park. He told Sunny. About his job and Sunny responded with a small smile. He had also gotten a job, but at Othermart, so they would be nextdoor to eachother. Kel came over and saw us talking about our jobs.

Kel didn't understand much about "business", so he just hung out with them.

They then went their separate ways and headed home. The next day, Basil got up early and took a quick bath and got dressed. He made toast and spread some jam on it. Basil always questioned why the jam's brand was called "Life Jam"( xD), but he didn't mind it at the moment.

He then headed outside and saw Sunny on his way to work. They walked together until they had to split up. They had breaks at the same time, so they would see each other then. By the end of the day, the went straight home and got some rest.

Sunny actually had a few taxes his mom didn't pay for, so he did it himself. He was suprised on how many he had to pay for. He had enough money, not even including his own, so he didn't understand why his mom didn't pay for it. Before bed he payed the taxes, and went to bed the same as always: without dinner.

[A/n they have jobs now. Great. I wonder if Sunny is going to do anything other than pay taxes with his money]

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